Jewel of his Eye

February 6, 2023

[Franky] And what about the drinking?

[Willis folds his arms and looks tired. He wears a sloppy thin white coat and has dark rings under his eyes] I picked that up a couple months ago but I'm telling you I'm not lying about the timetravel stuff

[Franky] I believe you, I really do. I just want to consider any factors that could lead to that train of thought. It's therapy after all.

[Willis] Again I'm not dropping it. I hold alcohol very well

[Franky raises her eyebrow] Over the year you lost several jobs

[Willis] It wasn't that bad, they just didn't like me

[Franky takes a deep breath] You were fired from a grocery store for stealing cabages, selling people chunks of meat, and refusing to tell them what meat it is. You were fired from the florist for stealing a filing cabinet, stealing all of the booze in your boss's house when you visited, and selling people the cabages you stole as a deciduous hedge. You were also fired from a church for trying to use the stolen booze for communion, and stealing a casket, replacing it with the stolen filing cabinet. [Willis stays quiet as he avoids eye contact] When you couldn't hold a job anymore you spent all the money you earned on a boat in Greywood you named the Crimson Sinker leaving you to rely on your son's girlfriend's money to take care of Wes. Even then you mistook glue jugs for milk jugs and got plastic fruits at a craft store thinking they were real.

[Willis] Ok maybe I made a few mistakes

[A timer on Franky's desk goes off] Alright. See you next week?

[Willis grumbles to himself as he gets out of the chair. He heads out of Franky's office] Sure.

[Willis walks down the sidewalk as he thinks to himself] If I just gave even the slightest rip about anyone I wouldn't be in this mess...

[On his way to the Greywood docks he pauses infront of Blair's house. Excuses brew in his mind before he quietly steps around to the back of the house. He looks for the window Wes will be thrown out of. His eyes widen on seeing a pile on the ground below the window. All of Blair's gardening tools sit pointing up like swords where Wes would land. Hoes, rakes, plows, shovels, and even an upsidedown lawnmower with it's blades exposed wait in plain sight. He sees a trail of lines in the dirt from the pile to a nearby shed they were taken from. He feels a pit in his stomach] Is someone trying to kill me?... [Lead by fear, he quickly starts taking the tools and dragging them back into the shed. He does so hastefully as if he were moments away from falling again. As he putsaway the last of the tools and flips the mower upright agsin he stands back to examine the area. With only small patches of grass and a hard dirt ground, falling out of the window would still be dangerous. Tears fill in his eyes as themorning light slowly hits the side of the house. Time was running out. Willis quickly made his way out of Blairs yard. He returns to walking down the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets. He died his sweaty palms before finding his way to the Greywood docks. He looks up at his boat sitting in the morning light. He puts his head down and walks over to it. He climbs onto the boat and goes below deck, only wanting to calm down. He opens a cabinet in the small kitchen and grabs a bottle of whiskey. He looks at the warped reflection on the glass before taking a swig. He put it away and lays on the floor, looking up at the door outside. A small square of pink clouds in a blue sky surrounded by the worn boat. He gives a sigh with a tired gravely mumble] I could have sucked it up...not made everything worse and now I'm wanted dead. I can't fix this. [He closes his eyes, unsure what to do with what time he had left] Not like I don't deserve it.

[Willis's eyes open as he wakes up to Lock yelling] THERES A DEAD BODY BELOW DECK

[Willis sits up and sees Jemia, Wes, and Lock are all below deck with him. Willis grumbles] Huh? Wh-what?

[Wes] That's not a dead body that's Willis

[Lock] My bad

[Wes] Willis what are you doing here?!?

[Willis blinks some] What are you doing on my boat???

[Jemia] I stole your bo- I mean they're stealing your boat?

[Wes] Since when did you have a boat???

[Willis] I bought the boat with all the money I had left from working

[Wes peeks above deck before looking back at Willis] This is great. We're lost at sea with you of all people

[Lock] we're not lost, Julian seems to kn-

[Wes] Shush shush shush Locky, we're lost.

[Willis] Don't you shush her like that young man.

[Wes] Young man? You're only a year or two older than me

[Jemia] Don't talk back to your father after what you did. Stealing is illegal even if it's from your own parents

[Wes] Ok, this is how it's going to work. You go up deck with the cuckooclock and figure out where the hell she's taking us to and get us back home. And we stay down here t-

[Willis] You just want to spend more time with Lock


[Jemia] He's not wrong

[Lock] What? I zoned out, can we restart?

[Wes's face is slightly red as he clears his throat] Willis just go make sure we aren't being sent to Atlantis or some shit.

[Willis grumbles and heads to Julian] So much for lucky

[Willis walks up to Julian who is steering the boat. She still wears the wide smile and strange stare. Willis sighs] I'm sorry if Wes ever treats you like you're weird...he just doesn't know better.

[Julian looks over at Willis]...

[Willis looks diwn at his hands that idly hold eachother] He's just scared of not trying hard enough. Being ignored. I wish there was a way to fix it.

[Julian] I know a way to make it up to everyone

[Willis's ears perk up and he looks at Julian] D-Did you just speak???

[Julian nods. Instead of a wide smile she had a long grin as she spoke] That I did. Though if you wanted me to do so more we would have to meet in private

[Willis is shocked] What? What do you mean?

[Julian] I can't speak when I think more than one person can see me. It's a curse I can't escape. I'm taking the boat to Cedarsworth carnival so while they are distracted we can disscuss more alone.

[Willis turns his head to the horizon and sees the bright lights of the carnival moving closer as the boat stops. He hears his own voice yell from where he's sitting] WE GOT LAND

[He looksback to Julian but she has her old wide smile again as the others head up above deck. Julian lets go of the wheel and climbs out of the boat. Wes is looking at the horizon] What's that out there?

[Jemia looks in the direction Wes mentioned] That's the Cedarsworth Carnival

[Willis watches Lock's ears drop] Oh dear...

[Wes] Well atleast we aren't stranded in the woods. Come on, let's go find a bus back or something

[Lock] Do we have to go to the carnival?

[Wes] Do you know anywhere closer than the carnival?


[Wes] Carnival it is! Come on! It'll be fun

[They all climb out of the boat and walk towards the carnival. Julian and Willis stay near the back of the group. Julian turns and heads down a different path before they enter the carnival. Willis follows her and grumbles to himself] Come on! This'll be fun I said...ggrrgrggr

[As they walk into dark trees Julian walks backwards and snickers at Willis]

[They head past some dense trees to an abandoned carnival. The sign is worn after years of rain and the rides are drab. Julian walks in and heads down a path. Willis looks around in curiousity as he follows. Old booth with scraps of fabric left have remenents of old prizes and game resting in mud. Owls watch from the over grown forest trees that have slowly creeped into the area, making it all more dark. Julian sits up on the horse of a carosel] You say you want to make it up to everyone? Does that include me?

[Willis] Yeah. None of you deserve any of this

[Julian] Then you could help me save everyone from him

[Willis tilts his head] Who?

[Julian] Usha. He's the reason I'm like this

[Willis] As in your smiling? He's my brother, I doubt he would even know how to do that

[She nods] You underestimate him. Come follow me

[Julian steps down as she walks down another path. Willis follows as there's walls that are built up around the trees. Julian stops at a doorway with a warm light coming from it. She gestures to the opening] Take a look

[Willis peers in to see a bird eye view of a makeshift lab. Another Julian is busy putting papers away into a box in the room] this was my lab at Moore Manor. He used to come by and admire my research. He would bring some coffee if it was cold or late

[Usha walks into the lab and sets a coffee down near Julian. The real Julian continues to explain] I was working on a type of blood capable of healing properties. It wasnt till I recounted my stock and checked my research again that I found some of my sampls were missing and a stck of papers hidden amongst my own. Usha was doing research on unwilling subjects, adding the blood to his food at the cafe. I should have said something when more and more people wound up missing or dead around the area. But it was too late.

[The julian below takes a sip of the coffee as Usha leaves with his usual smile. After a moment the room contorts around her in bright colors as she curls up on the floor, clutching her head in pain as a paralyzed smile creeps along her face. The real Julian slames the door, blocking the view. Looking back at her, she was no longer smiling. Julian was somber] It was addictive and I continued to drink the blood. Eventually the manor burned down and his blood supply with it. But there's other ways to get that blood.

[Willis] Like what?

[Julian] Lock. Her mother Blair raised her from a petri dish of that very blood to make unlimited supply of it. I fear that when Usha hears that Lock is running away from Blair's protection for good, that he will snatch her. Use her as a blood bag to keep me quiet. Im lucky to be able to speak right now

[Willis] Lock is going to tell Blair that she's running away tomorrow...infront of Usha...But that's when I get thrown out of the window, I don't remember Willis showing up either...damn it. [Willis scratches his head] I don't think I can do anything. I might not survive that fall...but Jemia will still be alive! [Willis's ears perk up] I'll tell Jemia about it today and she can make sure Usha doesn't step a foot out of that house with Lock

[Julian] Then we better go before Lock dies of embarresment

[Willis cringes] Right...the jester outfit

[Julian starts to walk back] There's a bus nearby we can take back to Greywood. I'll pay

[As Willis starts to walk he gets a phone call] One moment...uhh hello Franky?...yeah...yeah no the trip was definately not relaxing. I don't know what you expected putting her incharge on the spot like that. Have you even trained her any for this job?...maybe you should, you don't really know her background for anything like this...yeah ok. I'll tell the others [Willis hangs up as he groans] She's not going to like how tomorrow is ganna go either, we'll never get out of this camping trip .

[Willis follows as they head into the open carnival again. They search until they find Lock, Wes, Jemia, and Jack in the crowd. Lock spots Willis and sighs as they walk towards them] Oh thank goodness they're back. Please tell me we can leave... [Lock is wearing the jesture outfit and a frown. Wes looks blissfully smug as always]

[Willis reasures her] There's a bus stop right down the road we can walk to. Julia has enough money to pay for all of us to get back...Lock what the hell are you wearing?

[Lock mumbles and sounds upset] Just don't.

[Willis blinks some] we should head over there now before the bus gets here

[Wes] Perfect! Wish we could stay longer Mr.Moore but I don't think any of us want to be stranded out here for the night

[Jack] Understood doobergoodablerdapertulaper. Toodles! [Jack pivots and walks bavk into the tent to continue his work]

[Willis] And Franky called. The power went out in Usha's apartment and his alarm clock didn't go off. Also, she said we are redoing the camping trip at one of her friend's houses. Just have a bite and chatting. Meet at 234 Mollusk Street

[Lock's ears perk up] Wait...Blair's house?

[Willis] You know her?

[Lock] yeah she's my mom

[Wes] I bet she has so many stories of when you were a kid

[Lock covers her head with her arms] This trip just keeps getting worse urrgghhhh

[Willis] Let's get some sleep. I'm sure we all need it after today

[Jemia growls under her breath]

[The ride home quiet except for the quiet sniffles from Lock. Willis watched Wes happily looking out the window. A sobering moment passes as he sighs. The bus reaches Greywood as everyone gets out and says their goodbyes for the night. Jemia and Willis walk together to Gale Cabin where they got housing from Franky. Most of the walk is quiet aswell, lit up by some street lights as a light rain begins. But near the cabin is the faint music of a radio left on from inside. On reaching the doors of the cabins, Jemia pauses and stares at the double doors. Willis pauses behind her] Jemia?

[Jemia turns away from the door and sits on a metal bench in the rain. Willis looks at the doors then back at her before slowly going to sit by her] Are you ok?

[Her ceramic mask hides her expresion as she doesn't respond. He hands stay clenched resting on the bench on either side of her.]

[Willis gives a small sigh] It's ok if you're insecure about something

[Jemia looks over at him. Her voice sounds the same as it always does, stoic] How did you know I have insecurities???

[Willis cracks a smile] Oh honey you don't think quiet

[She tilts her head some]

[Willis] I'm joking, I can't tell at all. Just a guess

[Jemia] Well it's a lucky one

[Willis] You wanna talk about it?

[Jemia] Why would you want to hear about it?

[Willis] I don't

[Jemia] Then why'd you ask?

[Willis] Incase you wanted to tell me

[Jemia watches Willis a moment as if expecting him to take it back] Huh...alright. I'll tell you

[Willis] Wait really?

[Jemia grumbles] If you didn't want to know then don't ask

[Willis] No no no, I want to know- I just didn't think you liked me enough to want to tell me

[Jemia] What made you think I didn't like you?

[Willis] You said I looked like a piece of used dental floss when we met

[Jemia] It's what I call my friends

[Willis] What

[Jemia] Well Dental floss is a disposable tool used for preventing cavities. And after one use they become toxic and need to be thrown away like the waste they are

[Willis] I'm a waste to you?

[Jemia] Not yet

[Willis squints at her] I can't tell if you're joking

[She rolls her eyes]

[Willis] Could you take your mask off just for a bit? Maybe then I could tell

[Jemia] This isn't to take the mask from me is it?

[Willis] No not at all. I just can't tell how you're doing

[Jemia thinks for a moment as her foot nervously taps] Funny enough that's what I was going to tell you about.

[Willis listens quietly]

[Jemia takes off her mask. Her face looks soft and her eyes are fine with a bright orange. Her fur is a bit messy and her nose is a rose pink. Under her eyes are rashes from crying hidden under her fur next to a scar of 4 short claw marks. She displays a small timid smile while holding the mask in her hands. However she still sounds stoic] I used to know Julian back when she was ok. She gave me this mask from her research. I had paralyzed legs for the longest but if I wore the mask I could move them again. She told me it was my little miricle that no one else could have. I could finally run and play with everyone else

[Jemia's small smile ticks down a peg] But it wasn't all it was cut out to be. I started getting more and more violent. Everything around me irritated me more and more the longer I wore it. It got to a point that I took out my anger on others. Willis...

[He stays quiet while intently listening. Both of them are soaked by the rain by now]

[Jemia] I've killed before. After the first one I panicked, I didn't know what I've become but I knew I could risk it happening to someone else. I've been trying to keep from doing it again

[Willis] Why not just break the mask?

[Jemia's smile has went away and replaced with wattery eyes] I don't know. It's almost like breaking an old friend. I still remember those few days of dancing in the sun for the first time

[Willis thinks. He glances at the sound of music playing on the radio from inside the cabin before looking back at Jemia] Do you get irritated when you're not wearing it?

[Jemia's grip on the mask tightens some] No, but every moment I'm not someone could take it.

[Willis] I'm not going to take it if you want to dance right now

[She looks puzzled at him] And will I know I can trust you?

[Willis smiles some at a thought] Cuase...I'll be dancing with you

[Willis looks at Jemia, keeping an eye on her reaction before before taking the next step. She looks at his face while proccessing before her ears lay back some and she smiles again. A slight blush covers her nose. She keeps her stoic tone even when flustered] But I can't dance. My legs stay stiff

[Willis hums] hm. Right...[he looks down at Jemia's legs before getting another idea] You can dance on my feet

[Jemia tilts her head] Do what?

[Willis gets up from the bench and stands infront of Jemia and holds out both hands] You heard me. Sure there's no sun but mud is fun right?

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>Golden Hand 


[Jemia smiles as she takes his hands. Willis pulls her up and rests her feet on his. He gently does a dance, still keeping an eye on how she's doing. She looks nervous at first but manages a laugh. Willis smiles more] It's a bit soon but uh...Is it selfish to say I think I want to be with you forever?

[Jemia looks at him] Not unless I can be selfish too

[Willis] And what are you going to be selfish about?

[Jemia] Stealing your first kiss

[Willis pauses as Jemia leans in and gives him a kiss]

[Willis's face is a bright red and Jemia laughs more] You're a hopeless romantic but I see you never had any bitches

[Willis laughs some] What is that suposed to mean???

[Jemia] Means you ain't got no bitches

[Willis rolls his eyes] See I can tell you're joking now

[Jemia shakes her head] Nope not joking, you're just peeved you got none

[Willis giggles as he continues dancing]

[After some dances he leads her back to the bench. Her mask waiting quietly for her return. Willis helps her sit down safely] See? Not a crack on it and you still got to dance a little

[Jemia puts the mask in her lap again and continues to smile] Thank you

[Willis] You ever want to wisked away off your feet again just let me know

[Jemia nods] I'll keep that in mind

[Willis] I uh...before tomorrow I need to tell you about something though

[Jemia] What is it?

[Willis] I need help keeping Usha away from Lock tomorrow. Julian told me about Usha's research and she thinks Lock is on d-

[Jemia] In danger because of her blood? Yeah I know

[Willis] You know already?

[Jemia sighs] My ID from Franky is fake too. May name's Madelyn Moore. Julian is my sister

[Willis nods] I fucking knew it

[Jemia grumbles with a smirk] Let that one go mate

[Willis snickers] Come on let me have that win atleast, I was right

[Jemia] Alright alright. Good job and whatnot

[Willis] So you saw it all happen?

[Jemia nervously looks away] I did. I knew he had to be stopped so I started collecting evidence and storing it away in the old abandoned lighthouse in Wicket Woods. At the time I was still killing, I only killed people who had been researched on. So if he ever pulled anything big enough there would be something to take him down with.

[Willis's eyes widen] That's it! You smart son of a gun- you already have it all handled!

[Jemia stays looking away] Uhm. Yeah I guess I do

[Willis] I'm so proud of you, I could have done all that to save my life! Wait till he's finally behind bars and everyone is safe from all of this [Willis looks up at the rainy horizon in the direction of lighthouse]

[Jemia looks at him, seeing his smile. She looks back down. Hiding her hands shaking. She puts her mask back on and stands up] We better get some sleep then. Goodnight Wes

[Willis] Goodnight Mads

[She glances away and her tail slightly stirs at the nickname before she heads inside the cabin]


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