
February 4, 2023

[As the sun comes up, Wes makes his way downtown to Usha's Cafe. He furrows his brow as he sees Lock, Jemia, Franky, and Julian standing outside of the cafe's doors. Usha is nowhere to be seen] Hey uhhh what's going on?

[Franky] Isn't Usha your brother? Where is he?

[Lock] The door is locked

[Wes shrugs]

[Franky] Did he sleep in or something?

[Wes] He lives with Julian

[Everyone looks over at Julian. Julian just smiles]

Luna - Does Julian not speak?

Wick - №Usha said she stopped talking after the fire. Won't even write anything either

Luna - Oh jeez, the Manor fire must have extremely traumatic. Glad she survived at least. Good Gods.

[Franky] far does he live from here?

[Wes] He's in the third building on Pine Street

[Franky] Hmm...that's a bit far...whatever- Jemia, you're incharge while I'm gone. I'm going to check on him while you all have a therapeutic evening. No magic tricks either.

[Franky walks down the street and out of sight]

[The group looks over at Madelyn who sighs] It'll be a relaxing day I promise. Follow me [Madelyn starts walking down the street. The others look at each other before following]

[Wes] You have no clue what to do I bet. The last thing you know is relaxing

[Madelyn] What is that supposed to mean?

[Wes] Have anger issues to the degree you got declawed right?

[Madelyn] That's not why I'm declawed.

[Lock] Can we change the subject?

[Madelyn] Lock did I ever tell you how much I like talking to you?

[Lock] No?

[Madelyn] Good


[Madelyn mumbles] That will keep her quiet for awhile

[Wes thinks to himself for a moment]

[The group heads to the Greywood docks. There's several boats lined up in the water. Madelyn begins to crouch and speak in a hushed tone] Alright everyone. Keep your head low and your voices lower.

[Wes] I don't think Franky is going to count what ever the fuck you going to do as relaxing

Luna - Probably not Wes, but at least it's something. Hopefully Usha's alright.

Wick - №If anything he's safer not being around Jemia or Julian...I really don't see what he sees in her

Luna - Couldn't tell ya Wes. Maybe Julian has some hidden charm about her that attracts Usha. Or maybe he's just really into crazy women. Maybe it's something you could ask sometime?

Wick - №I'll keep that in mind

[Madelyn points at a sailboat] Ok, we are stealing that boat right there. Sneak on without anyone seeing you. If you get caught I do not know any of you

[Wes blinks some as he stares at the boat] that? [Madelyn tuns to look at the boat aswell. Julian is already headed below deck]

[Madelyn] How in the hell…

[Seeing that there's no one around, Wes heads over to the boat as he rolls his eyes]

[Lock hesitantly follows and Madelyn follows a bit more stealthily. They all get onto the boat. Madelyn turns to the others] I hope one of you know how to steer this thing

[Wes] No? Why w- [Wes pauses as he watches Julian raising the anchor as if she knows what she's doing] Ok this is a dumb idea, we don't know how to navigate and we're just going to get lost out there

Luna - Seems that Julian might know how to navigate. It's possible, seeing how she knows how to raise the anchor.

Wick - №I seriously doubt it.


[Wes and Madelyn rush to where Lock is yelling from and peer below deck. They see someone who looks similar to Wes but a year or two older and wearing a white coat. He has bags under his eyes and grumbles as he sits up] Huh? Wh-what?

[Wes] That's not a dead body that's Willis.

[Lock] My bad

[Wes] Willis what are you doing here?!?

[Willis blinks some] What are you doing on my boat???

[Madelyn] I stole your bo- I mean they're stealing your boat?

[Wes] Since when did you have a boat???

[Willis] I bought a boat with all the money I had left from working

[Wes quickly peeks his head up from below deck and sees Julian steering the boat. Land is already out of sight. He ducks back below deck] This is great. We're lost at sea with you of all people.

[Lock] We're not lost, Julian seems to kn-

[Wes] Shush shush shush Locky, we're lost.

[Willis] Don't you shush her like that young man.

[Wes] Young man? You're only a year or two older than me

[Madelyn] Don't talk back to your father after what you did. Stealing is illegal even if it's from your own parents

[Willis and Wes both turn to Madelyn] Shut up.

[Wes] Ok, this is how it's going to work. You go up deck with the cuckooclock and figure out where the hell she's taking us to and get us back home. And we will stay down here t-

[Willis] You just want to spend more time with Lock


[Madelyn] He's not wrong

[Lock] What? I zoned out, can we restart?

[Wes's face is slightly red as he clears his throat] Willis just go make sure we aren't being sent to Atlantis or some shit.

[Willis grumbles and heads to Julian] So much for lucky

[Madelyn] Why are you so hard on him anyways?

[Wes] Hm. I dunno maybe cause he can't keep a job and even when running errands he screws it up? Do you know how many times I woke up and made a bowl of cereal only to realize he got a jug of glue instead?

[Madelyn] Atleast he didn't steal a boat like you're doing right now

[Wes] Can you let the boat thing down? No one cares if we took a boat he owns. Doubt he cares either

[Lock] I care. Stealing a boat is a horrible act

[Wes]...Ok fine. I'll never steal a boat again in my life

[There is a faint click from Madelyn's pocket] So you admit you were the one who stole it?

[Wes] Why are you recording this? I heard that click

[There's another click as Madelyn takes her hand out of her pocket]...What click? I didn't hear a click. I dunno what you're talking about

[Wes sighs] Whatever…

[Madelyn] Also, if any of you tell Franky that this day wasn't relaxing you'll have a hard time trying to relax in the hospital bed you end up in

[Wes] You know comments like that are just proving my point about the whole declaw thing right?

[Madelyn grumbles some] Again, that's not why I'm declawed.

[Willis yells from above deck] WE GOT LAND

[Wes, Madelyn, and Lock head up as the boat slows to a stop on a shore. Julian lets go of the wheel and goes to climb out of the boat. Wes scans the horizon and sees some colorful lights] What's that out there?

[Madelyn looks in the direction Wes mentioned] That's the Cedarsworth Carnival

[Lock's ears drop] Oh dear…

[Wes] Well atleast we aren't stranded in the woods. Come on, let's go find a bus back or something

[Lock] Do we have to go to the carnival?

[Wes] Do you know anywhere closer than the carnival?


[Wes] Carnival it is! Come on! It'll be fun

[They all climb off the boat and walk towards the carnival. Surrounding them is booths with lights and pathways full of people that weave between the rides. Lock seems nervous as they head further into the carnival. Wes sees Lock from the corner of his eye] You ok?

[Lock nervously laughs] Uhm uhhh...I don't know

[Wes] What's wrong?

[Lock] My dad works here and if he sees me, he's going to embarrass the tar out of me

[Wes] Daw, I'm sure it's not that bad. Hey maybe he knows the easiest way back home [Wes goes to put an arm around Lock]

[Lock sidesteps out of reach] Don't touch me.

[Madelyn] I think Willis and Julian went another direction to look for a bus

[Wes] Maybe we should have some fun while we wait on them to get back?

[Madelyn] Or we could look too so we get back faster?

[Wes] Shush shush shush Jem, Franky wanted us to have a relaxing time and that's what we are going to do

[Lock] This isn't relaxing, it's stressful.

[Wes] Let's go watch a show or play some games

[Madelyn] You shush me one more time and I'm putting that Christmas sweater around your throat.

[Lock freezes in her tracks]

[Wes pauses] Lock?

[Lock] That's him...just don't look and slowly back away [Lock starts slowly backing up]

[Wes squints and looks at the crowd trying to spot Lock's dad] What hybrid is he?

[Jack suddenly walks up to Wes with a loud voice] My friends call me a Flummox! [Wes, Lock, and Madelyn jump in surprise]

[Jack wears a jester's outfit and a wide lopsided smile with a tooth sticking out] I see you two know my daughter here?

[Wes] Uh yeah, we're friends. I'm Wesley [Wes holds out a hand to Jack]

[Jack firmly shakes Wes's hand] The names Jack Oliver Moore. Stopped by to see the carnival?

[Madelyn] Actually we got a bit lost and needed a way back to Greywood- Wes also stole a boat

[Wes elbows Madelyn in the gut] HAHA very funny, but we are lost and need a way back. We aren't in a hurry though. Thought we could sight see a bit

[Jack] That's wonderful! I know plenty of things to see!

[Wes] Great! What do you suggest?

[Jack] Why my seaside show of course but we are out a dancer

[Wes] Aw that sucks. Wish we could have seen it

[Jack] There is one way you could

[Wes] Oh?

[Lock mumbles to herself] Please don't Please don't please don't-

[Jack] Lock here knows the dance by heart. She used to help with the show

[Wes] Lock you dance?!?

[Lock buries her face in her hands] Oh dear.

[Wes face lights up] Oh my gosh! I so want to see you dance!

[Madelyn rolls her eyes]

[Jack] We have the costumes for it ready to go too!

[Wes] Ok you HAVE to do it now Locky

[Jack takes Lock by the shoulders and pushes her to one of the tents] Let's hurry this up some so I can help with the fireworks later

[Wes bounces on his heels] I'm so excited, I bet she dances like a swan!!!

[Madelyn tilts her head some] Why do you even like her so much?

[Wes] Why wouldn't I like her? She's sweet and kind and cute and huggable! She even gave me this bracelet for good luck! [Wes pulls back his sleeve and shows Madelyn the four leaf clover bracelet]

[Madelyn seems deep in thought] Right.

[Eventually Jack steps out from the tent and bows as he gestures at the open tent door] Ladies and gentlemen we have out dancer

[Lock steps out and is wearing a bright jester's outfit with frills. Her hair covers her face as usual but she radiates the feeling a cat gives when dunked in water]...why do I have to do this?

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>The truth is in the dirt 



[Jack] Don't forget to smile! You remember the dance?

[Lock forces a half hearted smile] Yeah...

[Jack] And a one two three- [Jack begins to do a dance with comedic movements and exaggerated expressions. Lock mirrors the dance to perfection except for the facial expressions. A few people in the crowd stop to watch as Wes looks ready to pass out from excitement. Lock grumbles to herself] Why did I even do this?...

[Jack] And don't forget to pose-

[Lock and Jack do a quick pose at the end of the dance. Wes recognizes the dance from social media but is too baffled to care. Madelyn looks unamused. The few people who stopped to watch begin to applaud as Lock and Jack both do bows]

[Wes] That was a SPECTACULAR!!!

[Lock puts her hands on her hips and huffs] Uegh- I'm out of shape.

[Jack gives Lock a pat on the back that almost knocks her over] You still got it! HHAHAA! They used to call her Lock star back in highschool

[Lock] I didn't go to highschool

[Jack] They would have called her Lock star back in highschool

[Julian and Willis walk into view. Lock sighs as she sees they are heading towards them] Oh thank goodness they're back. Please tell me we can leave...

[Willis] There's a bus stop right down the road we can walk to. Julia has enough money to pay for all of us to get back...Lock what the hell are you wearing?

[Lock mumbles and sounds upset] Just don't.

[Willis blinks some] we should head over there now before the bus gets there

[Wes] Perfect! Wish we could stay longer Mr.Moore but I don't think any of us want to be stranded out here for the night

[Jack] Understood doobergoodablerdapertulaper. Toodles! [Jack pivots and walks back into the tent to continue his work]

[Willis] And Franky called. The power went out in Usha's apartment and his alarm clock didn't go off. Also, she said we are redoing the camping trip at one of her friend's houses. Just having a bite and chatting. Meet at 234 Mollusk Street

[Lock's ears perk up] Wait...Blair's house???

[Willis] You know her?

[Lock] Yeah she's my mom

[Wes] I bet she has so many stories of when you were a kid

[Lock covers her head with her arms] This trip just keeps getting worse urrgghhhh

[Willis] Let's get some sleep. I'm sure we all need it after today

[Madelyn growls under her breath]


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