Isaac Crackles

January 1, 2023

Melody walks out of her bedroom door and waves at Isaac. "Hi! How are you?" Isaac quickly turns and points a gun at Melody. He’s shaking. Melody stares at the gun. "Oh- woah hey there buckaroo- no need to do anything rash, okay???"

"Get out. Get the fuck out." He sounds scared

Melody backs up to go into the living room. "O-okay- just don't shoot, pal-" He backs into the bathroom.

Luna walks out of her bedroom and through the hallway. She notices Isaac in the bathroom but gives him some space, hoping someone can help him. She also notices the gun. Luna heads to the living room shaken up.

Melody sits on the couch. "Isaac has a gun"

"Yeah I noticed, Melody. I understand why... kind of?" Luna says.

"Why??" she tilts her head

"I guess it's more a theory on why. Recently, his mother joined us here. And she attacked one of our housemates with a gun. In retaliation, she died because Cole is our protector... and Isaac was in the room. So as far as I know, this is a response to something extremely traumatic."

"Oh..." Melody’s ears tilt down. "That’s horrible..."

Luna nods sorrowfully, "Technically, that isn't his mother. It's a conduit divulgar in her image, not entirely sure how that works. Or how she's able to revive so easily. She's not down and out, but you still gotta think about it from Isaac's point of view," she sighs.

"Yeah... does... Isaac know that she’s not really dead???" Melody asks.

"I'm honestly unsure."

"Maybe someone should tell him..." Melody looks to the hall, standing up "I can try?"

"Can I be your backup in case things go south?" Luna requests. "But yes, go for it."

Melody nods. "Yeah! Thank you,," She smiles heading into the hal.l

The moment anyone takes a step in the hall in view of the door, Isaac fires and misses, shooting the wall. Melody yelps. "Isaac- your mom isn’t dead-" she says, panicking a little.

"THAT THING ISN'T HER" Isaac shouts.

Luna is in the hallway listening in. "Okay-" Melody puts her hands in the air. "Why are you pointing a gun at us?"

"The moment that bitch shows her face, I’m giving her makeover in lead and gun powder" he sounds a mixture of mad and scared.

"Isaac, she's a conduit divulgar." Luna tries to reason.


Melody looks to Luna. "Well... can't Harmonia eat souls?"

"Yes they can. We just need to get Harmonia over here and speak aloud her name. Quick kill, removal and consumption of soul."

Melody pauses. "This person like... deserves it right? We're not plotting to kill an innocent?"

"I don't know. I barely know anything about her. I know they're apparently a researcher of some kind. And a conduit divulgar. And undying." Luna sighs, really unsure if this is a good idea. Nervous even.


Luna takes a deep breath. "Isaac let's just stop saying her name. That's the only way she's able to come here."

"I-its not that simple- she’ll still fucking show up!"

Luna sighs. Melody nods. "Okay- Isaac we’ll help get rid of her, okay?"

"That is all we can do. Is this what you want Isaac? Please, think it over." Luna says before making a potentially terrible play.

"We could threaten her maybe?" Melody suggests.

"Th-" he suddenly stands up and starts firing at the bathroom wall.

Luna puts her hands over her ears and defocuses. "aa."

Melody jumps. "Isaac? Isaac nothing’s there!"

"Isaac please, they're not there." Luna reassures Isaac.

Isaac backs into the hallway as he continues to open fire at the walls. Melody and Luna back up and away from him.

"Isaac! Do you see her in your vision?" Luna calls out to him. He stops firing and puts his hands to his head as he's crying. Luna just stays there silent. Genuinely unsure what to do.

Melody hesitantly tries to touch his shoulder. He lets her and slides down the wall he cries into his hands. Luna keeps her distance as her eyes turn purple and Krystal takes over.

Melody tries to hug him to help. Isaac is shaking and leans into the hug.

"It’s okay- it’ll be okay..." She says gently, trying to calm him down

Isaac stays there crying before suddenly pushing Melody off, standing up and opening fire at a different wall.

"Isaac, everything is going to be okay. I promise." their voice is soothing and calm but controlled.

Melody covers her ears, panicking and running out of the room

Isaac growls and turns to face Krystal. His eyes are full of rage. Krystal faces Isaac. Their focus is on Isaac with the intent to disarm, not harm. They make eye contact.

"Isaac, we will protect you from her. We will not allow her to harm you anymore." Their voice is calm. "Please put down the weapon."

"No-no no no that doesnt fix anything" he points the gun at her.

Krystal locks onto the gun with their psychic powers and attempt to rip it from his hand.

"Please." The look in her eyes is extremely serious.

The gun is ripped from his hand and Krystal removes the bullets from it.

Melody runs in, trying to tackle Isaac now that the gun is out of his hands. Isaac is tackled by doesn’t fall over. He stumbles back quite a bit though Melody stands awkwardly and looks up at him. "Hey so lets just calm down okay-" 

Isaac stares at Melody threateningly. Melody backs up, laughing nervously.

Krystal continues the stare down, preparing for a psychic hold if things get intense. "Melody, you might wanna get behind me."

Isaac attempts a Foxy jumpscare, trying to bite somewhere randomly on Melody’s body. Krystal responds by attempting a psychic hold. If successful, Isaac can breathe, blink, and talk, but all other movements are stopped as long as Krystal keeps focus. "PSYCHIC STOP!"

Kade steps out into the hallway, takes one look at the festivities, and slowly retreats.

He tries to bite at random but falls on the ground as he tries to break the hold the best he can.

Melody backs up, panicking and running to the kitchen to get a pan to knock Isaac over the head with. Krystal is struggling to keep the hold. "HURRY MELODY!" As Isaac tries to break through the stop, Krystal's focus wavers greatly.

Melody tries to hit Isaac over the head with the pan to knock him out and it works, knocking him out. Krystal lets go and falls to the floor panting and sweating. "Gods, why did they have to make psychic stop actually hurt to use?"

Melody shrugs, shaking a bit. "What do we do now?"

Krystal is in no real mood to talk, she manages to get back up on her feet. They look out of it a bit. Melody is panicking

Melody and Luna start attempting to drag Isaac into the bathroom. Isaac is rather heavy but it's do able. Before locking him in the bathroom, Krystal looks over Isaac for any wounds and addresses them with basic first aid. As the only wound is a bruise from getting hit with a pan and the skin didn't break, they leave it alone.

Melody puts him down and leaves the bathroom. "Okay... trapped."

"Sure hope nobody needs to pee.." Krystal says, wiping her brow. "Dear gods that was close." They sound extremely tired. They lock the bathroom door.

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