The Curtain

December 29, 2022

Wick - №/themoonisntright

Cole walked here from the lighthouse. He is in his wrath form holding a cane with a golden skull on top. He reaches the same three elevators of Wac from before. Cole walks into the middle one. He ends up in the same waiting room as before.

Cole walks up to the receptionist with a smile, “Can you point me in the direction of the MDZ?”

"Can I have your full name or credentials?" the receptionist requests.

Cole pulls out his government ID and shows it to her.

She smiles and gestures to the door. "Down the hall."

Cole nods and walks through the door and down the hall, using the cane. He enters the air lock. The intercom speaks, “Please set any items that could fall off your person during your visit in this room. They will not be disturbed.” Cole does not set any items down.

The door opens to the long and still busy hall. Cole walks down the hall while looking for the MDZ. It takes a while, but he finds it, but it’s a small normal wooden door rather than a large metal one. None of the cameras are looking at it and no personnel are entering or leaving it. It has a simple label above it, "MDZ - Mentality Deprivation Zone."

Cole goes through the door with a heavy sigh. He enters a standard sized room. One wall is completely covered with a thick red curtain that goes from the floor to the ceiling. There's a compartment on the wall across from it with various papers with information on them. There are no cameras in the room. A yellow line is on the ground between him and the curtain. Cole goes to step over the yellow line, slowly.

He instantly gets a sickening feeling of bad luck, enough to make him dry heave. He feels like he should read what is on the papers first. Cole stops crossing and holds back from dry heaving.

"What the fuck..." He walks over to the papers and looks through them.

It looks like instructions for the contents of the compartment. It reads, "No personnel are to enter this zone past the privacy curtain unless administered (the word is marked out) and wearing a safety harness that can pull them back out of the room before the (the word is marked out) can wear off. (the word is marked out) lasts an average of 68 minutes. The harness reel-in setting defaults to 50 minutes at injection. After injection, do not enter the zone past the privacy curtain until the effects of (the word is marked out) are active. In the event of the privacy curtain being damaged, all personnel are to lay down and wait until the facility is walled off from the rest of the facility. To enter the zone past the privacy curtain while wearing a harness, lay on the ground and pull the curtain over yourself while facing away from the side of the room with the curtain. When you can no longer see the side of the room you entered from you are free to stand and look in any direction. Enter the safety waiver you were provided in the drop box below before equipping a harness."

Cole looks for a harness to put on. There are 3 harnesses on the wall and a sticky note that had fallen onto the ground. Cole looks down and picks the sticky note up and inspects it.

"Fix timer, stuck at max time." There is no indication of which of the three is broken.

Cole shrugs and puts on the 2nd harness. "Fuck it, you only live an infinite amount of times." It doesn't detach from the wall and is put on like a backpack with an adjustable strap in the front.

Cole adjusts the strap so that it's comfortable. "Here we go.” 

When his back hits the wall, he hears a click. He feels a needle stab into his back between his shoulder blades and injects something. It detaches from the wall. There’s a faint ticking sound. Cole blinks as his breathing picks up slightly, "What the fuck."

He is able to step away from the wall. There is a sturdy silver cord that runs from his back to the wall. Cole steps away from the wall and walks up the yellow line asking himself, "Question is what are the effects?” He shrugs and lays down on the floor, facing away from the rest of the room. Visually, his sight stutters some and he feels slightly shaky. There is no sickening feeling this time.

"Oh....those are probably the effects." Cole takes a deep breath and starts pulling himself towards the curtain. He feels the curtain. He then stands up, making sure to stand inside of the curtain. He gets up and can only see the curtain in the direction he is facing. Cole turns around. He sees the room he just left, but the cord from his back goes to the wall. It seems he did not go past the curtain. Cole sighs and continues trying to crawl through the curtain.

His arms phase through the floor. Cole stares where his arms phased through. "Oh...." Cole keeps trying to crawl, using his legs. Half of his body phases through the floor and he feels stuck. The half that is phased through the floor has gone numb and hangs. It feels heavier than usual.

"Shit," Cole groans and tries to roll into the area that half of his body phased through. He is unable to roll and feels like his arm has fallen off into a few pieces without any pain.

Cole is starting to panic slightly, "fuck...uhhh." He tries to push the rest of himself in with his legs. Both of his legs phase through and feel like they fall apart in the same way as his arms.

Cole is now panicking as his breathing picks up, "fuck fuck fuck fuck, I'm stuck here and no one knows where I am."

As he talks, his face starts feeling numb and the rest of him phases through the floor. All he can see is nothing, not even any color as he feels his neck and shoulder start falling apart. Cole fucking screams as his breathing picks up more.

His vocal chords fall out as his face is taken apart. He can't feel anything and can't even tell what's left of himself anymore. He is unable to do anything for what feels like a long time before he feels his hand twitch. Cole can faintly feel that he has his body again but is in a laying position on his back. Cole tries to sit up as he looks down at himself.

He sees himself sitting on something concrete. He's wearing his normal clothing and theres light reflections of water everywhere. His vision is blurring and smearing as he moves around. Things are slightly unclear and it’s difficult to keep a train of thought for long.

Cole groans as he stands up, "Where the fuck..."

He sees a park at night around him. His balance feels way off like he's drunk. Everything feels mostly numb. Cole stumbles over to a bench and plops down. The bench is slowly lowering into the grass when he sits down. The world is tilting back some. Cole grips the bench more as he groans. His hands phase into the bench, and he feels like the bench is part of him. He can move the bench around like it's another limb. Cole is just sitting there, trying to process what is happening. He feels his body fade away and all he can feel is being the bench. The bench is unable to comprehend this information. The bench feels like it has legs and hair. It’s very self-conscious about its hair. The bench looks for an exit or something that piques its interest.

He sees his original body standing on a path. He feels like he can still puppet it from far away. The bench puppets Cole's body into walking down the path. The human Cole walks out of sight of the bench Cole. Bench Cole walks down the path as he puppets Human Cole to stop. Human Cole stops and turns his head to face bench Cole. His eyes are of no comprehensible color. Bench Cole tries to puppet Human Cole into continuing to follow the path. Human Cole turns fully to face the bench and he walks towards it. Bench Cole starts walking backwards away from Human Cole.

Bench Cole backs off of a cliff and can only see up as Human Cole looks over the cliff to watch. Bench continues to fall until Cole wakes up in his bed at home in a cold sweat. His alarm clock for school is going off. Cole is breathing heavily as he looks down at his hands. His hands look like his human father's hands. Below the hands are a kitchen sink full of dead sheep. The front door ahead of him is kicked open.

Cole looks incredibly confused as he looks at where the alarm clock was going off. He is back in his bed and the alarm is still going off, his room is rather dark with the curtains drawn. Cole tries to turn his alarm off and get out of bed. It turns off. After getting up, he feels like he needs to check his computer first. There's a desk with a computer on it. Cole sighs and walks over to the computer and checks it. It’s his Discord friend's roleplay server called, “The World Reached RP (but gay)”. It looks like a few of his friends are in VC but he needs to go get breakfast first. Cole shrugs and walks over to his bedroom door and opens it.

On opening the door, he kicks it down. He’s wearing a cloak and feels like his face is burning when the air hits it. Police are telling to put his hands over his head. It’s night and he just stepped outside. The police have guns pointed to him. Cole looks very confused as he checks his cloak. On looking down, he sees a white dress and a human girl's legs as his own. He’s standing in bright green grass and can hear a crowd cheering.

Cole looks back up, "officer?"

There's a loud crack as he feels his head ripped off with severe pain and sees a flash. He falls over in an empty cafeteria and falls forwards as he throws up. His head is intact. Cole breathes heavily as he quietly sings California girls. He is not doing okay. The song slowly morphs into chanting. He's repeating, "This day we dance," over and over for several minutes straight before he realizes he’s doing it.

Cole continues to chant, hoping that'll end this acid trip. His heart beat sounds like a literal drum and his arms feel like there’s feathers attached. Time skips. Everything from that point is a blur. He was there for 5 hours.

He slowly wakes up. He is wearing the harness that is reattached to the wall since it pulled him out from the curtain. He’s drooling and there's a line of drool from behind the curtain to where he is now. He has a splitting headache, sore eyes, sore ears, and his muscles feel heavy like he ran several marathons. There are a few pulled muscles and his hair is messed up. The cane he walked in with is laying near the door. The harness is digging into his arms some since he’s been hanging there limp for awhile now.

Cole groans groggily as he slowly unbuckles himself from the harness. It’s taken off easily. Cole stumbles over to his cane and grabs it as he leans on it heavily. He walks out to the hallway and retraces his steps back. People in the hall give him weird looks as they’re seeing how much he relies on the cane to walk. He makes it into the airlock again. Cole enters and waits.

The air pressure changes as the door opens to the waiting room and elevators. Cole hobbles into the elevator again.

"Are you ok sir?" The receptionist asks.

Cole looks at the lady and with a dead serious face says, "I was a bench.”

The elevator doors close as she looks confused.

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