December 15, 2022
Ivy flops onto the bed Oleander was sleeping on and snores.
The moose is crushed. Oleander enters and sees Ivy and just. stares. in annoyance. Then he tries to pull the moose plush out from under her. Oh no she's like. Very deep. Heavy as fuck. Cannot pull it out. Oleander is getting pissed off and tries to shake her awake.
She slowly wakes up, her voice a mix of tired and annoyed. "God, what the fuck do you want-"
"You’re in my bed. I’m trying to get my shit out from under you." He grumbles, gently pulling at the moose.
"That's it? Dude, just wait till I'm up, won't take like a week or something..." She falls back asleep.
Oleander snaps. "GET OFF I HAVE LIKE 5 PERSONAL ITEMS GET OFF OF THEM!" He screams, tearing up.
"Can you fucking chill? Stop yelling at me as if you're my fucking mom, I'll get off in a bit, just WAIT dude."
Her voice is weird. Mix of annoyance with something.
Oleander is panicking, his breathing quickening as he pulls at the arm of the moose. Then... it tears. The arm tears off, stuffing coming from it. Oleander freezes up at the sight, tears falling from his eyes. He just stands there, shaking. Why couldnt he have one fucking thing to himself? Just one thing. He dared take up space in one fucking bed, to own one fucking plushie. He backs up, dropping the arm and leaving the room and slamming the door behind him.
Meanwhile, Luna and Lock were chatting with Erwin when Luna heard the arguing in the guest bedroom. Lock goes to try and listen in, but Oleander rushes out of the room in distress. Lock peeks in the room.
Ivy is... "sleeping". She's moving around a lot, very annoyed. The moose with the torn arm is under her.
Lock steps in "Ivy, what happened?"
"That fucking... kid walked in and started to pester me to get off or some shit, I'm too fucking weak to move so I didn't. I just wanna rest for a BIT. Okay?"
Lock's voice raises some "What did he need you to get off of?"
Ivy seems a bit annoyed at the voice raise. "Apparently this is his bed or some shit, I don't fucking know-" There are pieces of stuffing and the remnants of the torn plushie visible near Ivy.
Lock looks down at the stuffing as shes quiet a moment. She grits her teeth and clenches her hands into fists as they shake. Ivy yawns. Lock walks up to Ivy as she grabs her by the back of the shirt and goes to throw her with the force of a full sized bear at the wall.
Ivy is flung. She hits the wall and stays down on the floor for a bit. The thud is loud. She groans in pain slightly. Lock picks up the moose from the bed. It’s hard to tell what she's feeling behind her hair. Unlike Lock, Ivy is very visibly mad. Ivy gets up, "What the FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! That's a fucking PLUSHIE!"
Lock draws the hatchet from her back and walks towards Ivy with a stern stride. Ivy summons her scythe in response. The handle of the hatchet faintly glows a mix of colors as she goes to back hand Ivy with the flat face of the hatchet. It lands and Ivy’s nose starts to bleed a bit.
Ivy does not hold back, she swings at Lock. Lock goes to block but is cut some on her arm. Lock swings down onto Ivy's shoulder. Ivy dodges it barely, she drops her scythe out of instinct. Ivy then tackles Lock.
Lock is tackled as she punches Ivy in the face with her metal arm. Ivy is punched but she insists on keeping Lock on the ground. There's a lot of blood coming out of her, dripping down to Lock. Something snaps in Ivy’s psyche, "Quite the mistake you've made." Ivy summons a dagger and tries to stab Lock.
Lock snarls as she's stabbed. She swings the hatchet at Ivy's arm, there's a slight spark of embers from the hatchet. Ivy gets hit by the hatchet. She tries to stab Lock over and over again, nothing but pure rage in her eyes.
Lock’s blood is a lot brighter red than normal and smells strongly of fruit punch. Any of it that gets on Ivy starts burning. The hatchet catches on fire. Ivy gets a bit of the blood on her and groans. She decides to just pick Lock up as best as she can and throw her at the bedroom door.
Lock is rather light and slammed into the door as she quickly Lunges at Ivy with an animal like growl. Lock aims to bite into her leg. Ivy barely dodges, going to grab her scythe to finish Lock off. Ivy raises the scythe and slams it down at Lock, trying to kill her. Lock rolls to the side as it barely misses. Lock lunges again, determined to bite and latch on.
Ivy get bitten and screams. Ivy uses the chance to attempt killing Lock. Lock’s teeth spark as the bite electrocutes Ivy. Lock gets stabbed in the chest.
Cole appears but obscured with black smoke as the feeling of death is extremely intense. Ivy does not care for Cole. Ivy focuses on trying to kill Lock. Lock grabs the blade of the scythe and uses it to sling Ivy at the wall with the same force of a bear again. Ivy is slung. Her ass is tired and annoyed. Ivy disappears. Lock is breathing heavily as she grumbles.
The smoke falls away from Cole revealing that he has grown to 8ft tall. Green and black corrupted tissue has returned to his left arm and left side of his face. As his bone wings unfurl his metal wings form from his jacket, his frost wings form beneath the metal wings, and black smoke wings form beneath the frost wings as he looks around.
Lock flings the hatchet at Cole's face in rage
Cole ducks as he looks confused, "What the fuck are you doing?" Cole snaps his pickaxe into his hand.
Lock snarls and her voice cracks some "I can't fucking think- I just arruuggHHH" As she growls the lights flicker and the blood around the room moves slightly. She makes angry grabby hands.
Ivy teleports back into the room and grabs her scythe. She still has a look of intent to kill.
Cole looks over at Ivy, "You."
Lock looks over at Ivy and snarls, her grip on her still partly on-fire hatchet tightens.
"My problem isn't with you, whore." Ivy comments as she looks at Cole. Ivy aggressively runs at Lock, trying to dismember her with the scythe.
Cole's pickaxe handle lengthens to that of a scythe as he slams it against the ground, causing the ground to shake violently, "GET OFF YOUR FUCKING FEET YOU UNHOLY BITCH."
Ivy tries to stay put. Ivy is heavily focused. Lock catches the hook of Ivy’s scythe with the beard of the hatchet, locking them together as she goes to rip it from Ivy’s hands. The scythe gets ripped and Ivy is getting more mad.
Cole aims to hook Ivy's neck with his pickaxe and yank her away from Lock. Ivy grabs Cole's pickaxe and tries to rip it from him but Cole's grip is strong. Ivy keeps trying to pull the pickaxe from Cole as she yells, "Let it fucking go! This doesn't involve you, you dumbass!"
The wood on the pickaxe starts to stretch, "LOCK IS MY DAUGHTER AND MY RESPONSIBILITY."
"WOW! YOU'VE TAUGHT YOUR DAUGHTER SO FUCKING WELL." Ivy gets closer to Cole, "Y'know, this would've been avoided with, oh, I don't fucking know, A SIMPLE TALK?!"
A double edged and serrated blade made of Lock’s blood, the size of a stop sign, suddenly jolts up from the ground and through Ivy's shoulder. It partly impales the ceiling as well. Ivy screams and lets go of the pickaxe. Ivy is being held in the air by the blood blade.
Cole adjusts his grip on his pickaxe as his eyes glow pink "I'VE TAUGHT MY DAUGHTER WELL ENOUGH TO KNOW THAT PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE UNWORTHY OF LIFE"
Ivy starts to weakly laugh. She's coughing out a lung, too, "Sure, SURE! Fucking kill me again. Act as if this is ALL my fault when I was just minding my business before getting attacked for doing NOTHING."
Cole glances at the ripped plush on the ground as he huffs angrily, black smoke coming out of his nose, "YOU DESTROYED AN ITEM IN SOMEONE ELSE'S HOUSE AND NOT ONLY THAT IN A HOUSE WHERE ONLY ONE PERSON LIKES YOU IF THAT."
"THAT SHIT WASN'T EVEN MY FAULT, YOU imbecile. Blame me for EVERYTHING ELSE EXCEPT THAT MOTHERFUCKING PIECE OF FABRIC. And don't fucking bring Ari into this. Don't you fucking dare even offhandedly mention him."
"The choice of self-defense?! That BITCH threw me against the wall for something I didn't fucking do! I'll admit, okay, I overreacted, but god motherfucking DAMN! Look at my position as well!"
Lock grabs the plush and its arm as she ducks out of the room. The blade of blood melts as she leaves. Lock runs through trailing some bright red blood as she heads outside. Lock runs out into the yard and sets down the plush on the ground, a sewing kit appears in her hands as she starts hastfully trying to sew the arm back on.
Oleander heads outside, "Lock? Are you okay? Why are you bleeding?"
Lock doesn't answer as she's doing a poor job of sewing. There's a strange feeling of good luck.
Oleander tries to check her for injuries, "Lock- Lock it'll be okay I can get it fixed later, okay? What's up?"
Lock has been stabbed repeatedly all over, yet somehow she still bleeds more. Lock grabs the moose and gets up as she angrily chucks it at the woods. It's sent flying at an alarming speed as it shakes the tree it hits. She makes angry grabby hands and growls.
Oleander panics slightly but decides to focus on Lock and worry about the moose later, "Lock- Lock can you look at me?"
"WHAT?" She snarls as she looks at him. With the sharp turn to face him, her hair moves enough for him to see her purple pupils are now half a reddish pink.
Luna steps outside, looking for the damaged moose plushie. "Hey Oleander, do you know where the moose is?"
"Over in the woods-" Oleander quickly points at the direction and looks back at Lock, "Lock can you do an exercise with me really quick?"
"Luna, just go inside-" Oleander says quickly.
"Aaaaaaaa!" Luna nods quickly and runs back inside
Oleander continues, "Lock, can you tell me five things you see right now?"
"ALL I SEE ARE FUCKING IDIOTS" her voice cracks some. The wind shifts some as there's a distant roll of thunder.
Oleander nods, "Yell at me. Tell me everything you're thinking, okay?"
"I'm thinking that I want to gggrrrruuueeggghhHHH" She makes angry grabby hands before she starts punching the air in her other hand.
Oleander nods. "Want to spar? No killing just- you try and punch or kick me and I dodge? Get it all out?"
Lock hauls off and goes to punch Oleander in the face with a lot of force "aarrrggAAAHH!"
Oleander side steps out of the way, grabbing her arm and attempting to twist it and bring it to her back.
Her fake arm is twisted as it detaches from her and she swings at him with her other arm. He quickly ducks and drops the arm, grabbing her leg and trying to push her over. She face plants the snow.
Oleander stands up and watches her, "How you feelin?"
She gets up and shakes her head to get the snow off the hatchet appears and drops into her hands as she pulls back and swings at his leg with another loud growl.
"AY NO WAIT-" Oleander doesn’t move in time as the hatchet digs into his leg. He screams in pain, "LOCK NO-"
She yanks the hatchet out and goes to do another swing like cutting down a tree. He stumbles back, his blood seeping into the snow as He falls over. "COLE HELP-" They scream, panicking a bit.
Cole instantly sprints outside and aims a drop kick at Lock. She’s kicked and stunned. The hatchet lands in the snow
Cole scrambles to his feet and stares at Oleander. Cole still looks rather complicated due to the form he took in the fight with Ivy, "I know i look scary right now but uh- hi" Cole quickly heals oleander’s leg. Lock sits up and shakes her head some as she growls.
"I-its fine-" Oleander pants, "Don't hurt her- I just don't know how to calm her down-"
Cole sighs, "She's calming down trust me, anyways Ivy's a whore and left huffing and puffing like a toddler."
"What happened?" Oleander walks forward to try and retrieve the moose.
Lock’s systems reboot as Lock falls back over in the snow.
Cole sighs as some black smoke exits his nose and walks over to Lock, "Welcome back."
Cole heal’s all of Lock’s wounds. Oleander retrieves the moose and heads back inside.
Lock puts a hand to her head and groans. The blood loss affects her now that her systems are online. "...what…the fuck."
"Don't worry about how I look, we need to get you inside like right now," Cole goes to scoop Lock up into his arms. Lock is scooped up and tenses up some as Cole takes her inside.
Cole walks inside and quickly sets Lock down on the floor. Lock lazily looks over at the room, she's a bit out of it.
"Lock, can I borrow you?" Erwin asks over the radio.
"Uhm...yeah sure?" Lock blinks some.
Lock is possessed by Erwin as he feels sore, "O- Oo- Oow."
Erwin walks over to Oleander. "Where's the sewing kit?"
"Uh... I have one in my bag. One second," Oleander leaves and quickly grabs the sewing kit from the guest bedroom. Oleander returns and hands both the kit and moose to Erwin. Erwin currently has one hand. He bites the sewing kit and holds the plush. Erwin leaves into the hallway as Oleander follows. Erwin enters the closet and shuts the door.
"What...." Oleander sits in front of the door.
After awhile erwin yells, "O- O- OPEN UP!!!"
Oleander opens the closet door. The repaired moose is spiked directly into oleander's face. It is slightly soggy. "You ssshould w- Wa- Wasssh that, by the way. I had to hold it wi- wi- With my mouth."
Oleander picks it up. "Alright- it wont come apart?" He asks nervously.
"I can just fix it again if it does," Erwin gets up, hands Oleander the sewing kit, and walks into the living room. Oleander heads into the basement to put the moose into the washing machine.
Eventually Lock stands at the top of the stairs of the basement, "Oleander?"
Oleander looks over, "Oh hey- are you back?"
Lock carefully makes her way down the stairs. She seems tired. "Yeah, are you ok?"
He nods. "I'm fine- Erwin sewed up the moose so I'm just letting it get washed and watching it."
"Oh...uhm ok. Did I hurt you at all?"
"A little... but I called Cole. It's okay, he healed me."
She nods "Ok, I'm sorry I did that, I really am."
"It's okay. Was it another like... thing? Like last time?"
"I guess? It's confusing" She glances over at the washing machine.
Oleander nods. "What happened?"
" just uhh" She absent mindedly puts her hand on her other shoulder with a hint of shakiness, "Just reminded me of my arm."
Oleander pauses. "I see... what did... Can I ask what happened?"
She tilts her head down some as she frowns. She stays quiet.
"Its okay if you dont want to say... I think Cole accidentally left your arm outside. Want to go get it?"
Her voice sounds strained from trying to keep herself together, "Yeah. ok." She heads up the stairs.
Lock heads out and picks up her fake arm from the snow. She dusts the snow off and puts it back on as she shivers. She looks down at her hands before shaking her head and heading back in. Lock walks in and slumps down onto the floor as she sighs. Lock looks up at the room as her face drops. Kade had rolled onto the radio Erwin resides in and shattered it into pieces. There was a bit of blood in the radio that is now on the floor and being licked up by Cole.
Lock stares a moment before speaking, "...what's that?"
Oleander enters the livingroom and goes to sit next to Lock. Both Kade and Cole are silent. Cole continues to lick up the blood.
"...Is that?..." Lock sounds devastated.
"Cole did it." Kade points to Cole.
"It was Kade’s fault," Cole points to Kade.
"BUT HE'S COMING BACK!" Kade whines.
"HOW DO YOU KNOW?" Cole stares at Kade.
"I have a friend," Kade replies.
"Of fucking course. whatever," Lock sounds defeated
"You have friends?!" Cole fakes sounding surprised.
"The radio??? Erwin??? You KILLED HIM???" Oleander stares at Kade.
"..." Kade disappears.
"IT WAS KADE’S FAULT!" Cole crosses his arms.
Lock sniffles as a few tears escape. Lock gets up again and goes to the hall while quietly crying.
Oleander facepalms and follows Lock, "Jeezus."
Lock walks into her room. She takes her arm off and throws it in the closet with a thunk and faceplants the bed.
Oleander walks in and sits by her, "I'm sorry..."
"I'm too tired for this shit," She sounds upset while muffled by the pillow.
"That's fair. Want to sleep?"
She goes to speak but it's just jumbled and muffled whining. Oleander sits next to the bed and nods. He can't see it the way she's lying but under the pillow she's holding the secret stuffed sock fox. There’s more incomprehensible whining. Lock eventually falls asleep crying with her face in the pillow. Oleander has fallen asleep sitting next to her bed.
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