December 3 - 5

December 3, 2022

Luna - /call Madelyn

Wick - №...ugh what

Luna - Oh hey Madelyn. Hope you and Michael are doing well. Um, I did have a request for you though. I read somewhere that Lock had you get some documents from Moore Manor before it went up in flames. Is there any way us Risen can see some of that?

Wick - №...Lock said what?

Wick - Uhhh heheheh- s-she misspoke i have no clue what shes talking about!

Luna - Lock? What's going on? Didn't you tell Nyx that documents were saved? And that you would go through it sometime later?

Wick - №Lock. You know about it???

Wick - Hehehghehh wwwelll I uhhh don't know what you're on about hehehh

Luna -, my apologies. I'll uhhh nevermind. Don't worry about it.

Wick - №You can't just take that back. I heard it. Lock how did you know about it?

Wick - ...I maaaay have seen you while you were moving it

Luna - Nothing too problematic honestly. I'm sure Lock's sorry.

Wick - №That weasle? I doubt it

Luna - Madelyn, Lock's grown up quite a bit. I understand she invaded your privacy, but I'm sure she didn't mean to.

Wick - №You don't just accidently stalk someone to this degree

Luna - Stalking? It sounded like she just came across you taking documents from the manor accidentally. Regardless, I'm sure there's a simple reason for it. Maybe she just likes ya?

Wick - №Ew no.

Luna - know what? Fair. I wouldn't like it very much if someone was stalking me either. At the same time, I really don't think Lock was being malicious in doing so.

December 5, 2022

Ocie - /call Pie

Wick - №It's fine I'll wash it out

Ocie - So bye-bye, Miss American Pie Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry Hiii Pieeeee :o) I have some questions for ya!

Wick - №...what the fresh hell was that?

Ocie - Me singing for you. What's an Eye-Crested Divulgar?

Wick - №A what?

Ocie - Hm. Never mind on that one. What about a Hybrid Divulgar? What can ya tell me about that?

Wick - №Can you describe these things? I don't know them by these names

Ocie - Manipulative, favoring no alarming visual changes to their appearance, curious and devious, testing their limits, some may resemble other divulgars, often have 3 hybrids, obsessive over their troubled past.

Wick - №That doesn't sound like any divulgar I know of. You sure that's a real one?
Ocie - Theyre often followed by Slingers, if I remember correctly. Any divulgar types you know of that are followed by Slingers?

Wick - №Slingers? No. They're more like wild animals. Slashers though can follow around alot of things. They can be a bit bored most of the time

Ocie - Is there any divulgar they typically follow?

Wick - №Not any inparticular

Ocie - Hm, alright. What can you tell me about The Slew?
Wick - №That's the one I know next to nothing of

Ocie - Well, what do you know of it?

Wick - №That it's called the Slew, might have yellow blood, and is violent

Ocie - Can ya tell me what it looks like?

Wick - №No clue

Ocie - Can you tell me how you got the information you have about them?

Wick - №For the Slew? Mostly rumors

Ocie - Mkay, thanks! How about Conduits? What can ya tell me about those?

Wick - №They can either be real, dreams, or visions. Usually some kind of warning or sign of what's going to happen
Ocie - Like mothman! :o0 Anything else? What do they normally act like? Blood color? Habitat? Favorite dinner food?

Wick - №Blood is typically any shade of green. They act different depending their warning and tend to show up more often around people who have lost loved ones

Ocie - Have you ever seen one?

Wick - №I don't think I have? I've know quite a few people back at the manor that did though

Ocie - Are you willing to share their experiences or would that be breaking some form of confidentiality rule?

Wick - №I remember one of them kept seeing a clam showing up where they sleep. It had weird green blood and always smelled rancid with a ball of hair instead of a pearl. A month later he was attacked by a slinger

Ocie - Hm ok so question about Slingers actually. Are they strictly horse skulls or can they be other things? I heard about there being numerous subspecies of each divulgar type

Wick - №They typically prefer anything vaguely like a face...have you been seeing more horse skulls than other types?
Ocie - I've only seen one, actually. It had a whole, hairless body and it was wearing a mailman getup. The skull, when exposed, appeared to be canine.

Wick - №...that doesn't sound like one at all

Ocie - Claimed to be one. Also stated itself as a "crown-backed" divulgar, seemingly another name for Slinger

Wick - №Are you sure there wasn't a misunderstanding? The only divulgars I know of that can be like that are conduits
Ocie - Well, they also said Ganders = Shaggy fur, goblin shark nose, hominid hands, and religious. AKA, a "Ridge's Divulgar".
Wick - №Not religous but morality sensitive. Never heard them called Ridge's divulgar before

Ocie - Apparently they were named after a writer from the ancient Aztec empire. You wouldn't happen to know about the Aztecs, would you?

Wick - №It was mentioned here and there in research papers as potential source of the blood but it doesn't seem all that substantial

Ocie - Oh? Are you able to tell me more about that?

Wick - №I didn't much into that. I was more focused on current divulgars

Ocie - Current?

Wick - №There's alot of old research that's inacurate or outdated. Like some thinking one divulgar was just a different form of another and things like that

Ocie - Willing to tell me about any of them? Even if it's outdated, it can help us understand newer things

Wick - №It's all too confusing. The newer information was all I took the time to memorize

Ocie - Alright! What’s your favorite Divulgar to look into?

Wick - №Either farbetween or magpie. The far between are certainly a catagory of their own but the more I look into magpie the morse they feel like the other side of a coin to the farbetween so to speak

Ocie - Hmmm interesting! Wanna tell me about magpie?

Wick - №They love hoarding anything they can get their hands on including people. This makes encounters withthem a bit harder to find evidence of. The seemingly stronger ones appear more angelic or confusing. Almost like there's a hidden meaning to their apperance

Ocie - Fascinating. What about Far Between?

Wick - №Farbetween are interesting in there being so few of them. Atleast two are known and a third is rumored. I feel like they are mixing it up with a magpie based on the descriptions. They seem to have power over all of the divulgars and even hadals.Some think they created the blood

Ocie - Oh thats interesting???? Hm. I know the name of one of them, but who's the second? I've heard of there being two but I only know of one.

Wick - №Research suggests one is the crown and the other is an unknown being with a torn face. There's been nightmare recorned of it being called the Frobowbber or any variation of that spelling

Ocie - Frobwobber? I've run into that before. Care to elaborate?

Wick - №there's been very few sightings of it so I don't really have much else

Ocie - What can you tell me about the nightmares?

Wick - №Usually its dark or there's the sound of coyotes barking with lights and the sound of a baseball bat and a cheering crowd
Ocie - A baseball bat? That’s interesting.

Wick - №Only other interesting thing I found in it was frobwobber related nightmares happened more often on the west side of the manor

Ocie - Is there anything notable west of the manor? Can be anything, landmarks, events, hell even an old abandoned warehouse or something.

Wick - №Uhm. I'm not sure. I'm not too informed on the layout of the area

Ocie - That's okay. What can you tell me about the west side of the manor? What went on there, who lived there, etc?

Wick - №Nothing that I know of

Ocie - Alright. I think that's it for now. Have a good night, Pie.

Wick - №

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