Dakota and Oleander

November 21, 2022

Dakota, a new member of the group, is sitting outside on the front porch. He's picking up little rocks from the dirt and throwing them out into the street.

Oleander returns from the woods, looking like he got no sleep. He's covered in black and gray liquid. It smells vaguely like oil. He notices Dakota and waves, "Hey"

Dakota looks up at him, his eyes widening in concern, "You okay? Looks like you've crawled through Hell and back."

Oleander chuckles, running a hand through his hair. "Just doing work," He says with a sigh, sitting down on the ground. He takes out a cloth and begins to wipe the blood off his sword.

"You kill somebody or somethin?" Dakota asked, raising an eyebrow and looking at the sword, "Are you sure you're okay?"

Oleander shakes his head. "Not someone. More like a few somethings." Oleander shrugs. "I've been better I suppose." He pauses for a moment, continuing to wipe off the blade, "Sometimes I wonder if it'd be easier if I never left where I was raised."

"Oh yeah, I feel ya." Dakota chuckled, quickly stopping himself and looking at Oleander, "Well, where were you raised? Why'd you think it would be easier? Unless you don't wanna talk about it."

"I don't mind. I was raised in a commune... well it was more of a cult but um.." He rubs the back of his neck. "I grew up just doing what I was told to. I didnt think for myself really... I know it's better I was freed but... sometimes I miss not having to think. Or feel... it was less confusing back then," They explain, not making eye contact with Dakota.

Dakota nodded, resting his head in his hand, "I get what you mean. It's tough leavin' home, especially when it seems like stuff only got harder. But hey, you can always find a new home." Dakota smiled at him, he's trying his best, "I left home too, though I didn't have much of a reason, so I understand how you feel. Would've never gotten into this mess if I stayed with them..."

Oleander nods and smiles, "Yeah... I did find a new home but we were attacked..." He looks back at the sword, "Maybe I'm just cursed."

"Nah, I don't think you're cursed. Maybe just... unlucky sometimes. It happens to the best of us. " Dakota shrugs, playfully and lightly punches Oleander on the arm. "And hey, they always say the third times the charm! So whatever home you find next has gotta be the right one!" He grins.

Oleander chuckles while nodding. "I hope so..." He looks at the house. "I'm just... scared I'm not any good at the whole socializing thing...."

"Why do you think that?" Dakota raised an eyebrow, looking at the house as well. "Does it have somethin' to do with any of them?"

"I just... I think I upset Lock yesterday and I'm not sure what I did wrong but this rabbit lady said she has faith in me? God its so confusing..." He puts his head in his hands, "I need to talk to her and try to stop her from leaving but im scared to fuck up-"

"Which one is Lock? I didn't catch many names yesterday. Why do you think you made her upset?" Dakota scooched a little closer to Oleander. "I'm sure you'll be fine, you can work it out."

"She's the red panda. And uh, when I went to her room it was trashed and she had deleted her files pertaining to trust..." He rubs his face with a tired look, "It just. udhfjnfntnt..."

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I probably pissed her off too, and I hardly even know her!" He chuckled, trying lighten the mood. "Why don't you just try talkin' to her? What's the worst that could happen!"

Oleander chuckles "Worse thing that could happen if I make it worse..." He says, scratching his neck, "Best is that I fix it I guess"

"I don't think you'll make it worse, you don't seem like the type to make situations worse. " Dakota frowned, shrugging his shoulders. "Here, I have an idea! Pretend I'm Lo.... Lock, that's 'er name! Pretend I'm Lock, and you can test out your conversation on me!"

Oleander nods. "Alright uh..." They pause, trying to think. "Uh... I need to talk to you-"

"Okay, what is it about?" Dakota asked, turning his full attention to Oleander. He had no idea how to act like Lock but he'd try.

"Well... you deleted your trust settings and um... Nyx told me you are."

"Why do you care?" Maybe that's a thing Lock would say... Dakota was completely lost.

"I care because youre my friend... and I care about you.."

"And what if I was distancing myself? What would you do about it?"

"Talk to you, like I'm doing now?"

Dakota went silent for a minute, he's thinking.. "I think you just gotta talk to her.." He shrugged, he's himself again. "Maybe she'll be more angry the longer you wait to talk to her, y'know? Best to do it sooner than later."

Oleander nods, "Yeah…"

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