
November 20, 2022

Wick - №That's not what it says on the box

Pie - №It'll work

Wick - №But that's not where it's supposed to go hhh

Pie - №Whatever

Luna - Whatcha trying to do?

Wick - №Found a box that lets you build a table

Luna - Madelyn, Michael, is there a paper in the box with directions to build this table?

Pie - №It's a table, how hard can it be?

Wick - №It does I have it

Luna - Madelyn, those do it yourself kits are way harder than you'd think. I really recommend reading the paper Mike has, otherwise it's going to be hell.

Wick - №...thats...oh dear hhh...Mads that's the leg

Pie - №I'm smart I'll figure it out. And shut up Mike.

Luna - Oh for fucks sake, this is the oven all over again. Madelyn, you don't have all the answers. Just fucking listen to Michael. You're smart, but you don't have all of the answers!! And for fucks sake, put that leg DOWN!

Pie - №NO

Wick - №...put the leg down Mads, come on be reasonable here

Wick - I have to listen to this shit again?...

Luna - What you don't enjoy listening to familial squabbling over a do it yourself project that has the answers on a paper but someone is too blind to read it?

Wick - Madelyn. For the love of all that is holy. Set down the leg and just trust him or I swear…

Pie - №Pff no. This has nothing to do with trust. If anything he should trust me and let me do it

Luna - And I'm sure he's fine with that, but there's an order on how to build these things.

Wick - №hhh I'd also like not being thrown the leg heh

Wick - Really? Madelyn. You threw the leg at him?

Pie - №He's in the way!

Luna - Then say move out of the way. You don't have to be nice about it, but anything is better than yeeting the leg at him.

Pie - №He needs to be put in his place.

Wick - You learned at the manor didn't you?

Luna - Put in his place??? The fuck does that mean?

Pie - №You saw how well he took orders from others before. He froze up and did nothing when he was supposed to turn me in

Wick - This again. This all over again every fucking timeline. Your sorry ass is the one constant.

Luna - I'd say there's a lot more than just one constant within the timelines, but Madelyn doing Madelyn things is a major one.

Pie - №Do you not realize he was the one thing that kept me from getting my spot as a mighty? I should be sitting in that manor looking down on all the low lifes

Gran - Mike seems like a drag.

Pie - №I know right? I say anything and its just nervous laughter and hhhhhh. He can't even speak like a normal person

Wick - №...Hhh wh…

Wick - You what? I know the one thing that will get it through your head whether you like it or not and worked everytime line.

Lock is sitting by the wall with a tired look. Luna had been awake and on her laptop. Lock stands up and huffs as she walks over to Luna. Lock sounds serious, "Teleport me to Nonferal Earth."

"Nonferal Earth? Sure thing but um, why?" Luna looks up from her computer.

"Just do it." Lock demands.

"Need me to come along?"


"Ok. I wish you the best of luck." Luna focuses for a moment as Lock disappears. 

Nyx strolls in through the front door, "What's up bitchessss?"

Nyx shrugs, "Some curse thing, anyway how are the risen doing today?" Nyx goes to lean on the wall with a smirk. She has golden eyes and long eyelashes, she keeps her eyes looking down as to not cause anyone nightmares for week by looking at them.

Luna is still looking at her laptop, "Sup. Other than watching Michael and Mads argue for the umpteenth time, it's going alright. Did you need something?"

"Figured I could swing by and annoy you guys some. What's your opinion on being a lab bred experiment with no real parental figures hm?"

"Eh. I'm personally not a fan of it myself, kinda wish I had an actual mother or father. But it's gotten me to look elsewhere for help."

"Oh so this world is all like a fall back option?" Nyx gestures vaguely at the room.

"Kinda yeah, in my case. It was either that or die of starvation. At least I feel helpful here," Luna sounds nonchalant, but Nyx sees her shaking a bit in fear.

"So they're all your back up plan? Like you've already messed it all up and got stuck here?" Nyx continues.

"I wouldn't specifically call it a backup plan and more just a means of survival. And frankly, I'm loved here as a part of 'the kiss'. I actually have friends."

"So you don't mind being treated like you're second rate?" Nyx teases.

"Not at all. I know I'm not very strong, kind of a useless tactician too. I got logic and mystery solving skills and that's about it." 

Luna finally turns around and grins. She is still shaking, "Nyx you're gonna have to try a little harder."

"I'll take that as an invitation. So how do you feel about your partner being dead as a doornail?"

"Her body may be gone, but she lives in my mind. I speak to her daily and right now...wait what's that Jane? Oh yeah, she says you're very pretty."

"But it's never going to be like a real relationship. You'll never hold them in your arms again and there's nothing that can change that. It's a hollow spot slowly rotting away with no cure."

"Indeed. I would be lying to you if I didn't feel the loneliness creep from inside me and killing me slowly. But at the same time, I feel empowered by Jane's existence within my mind."

"I'm sure Jane is having a blast never being able to do anything, stuck forever unable to pursue new dreams or passions. Not allowed to move on because you want her all to yourself and no one else."

"It is what it is." Luna shrugs. Luna's demeanor changes as her eyes turn purple. Jane now has control, "And I wouldn't have it any other way!" Jane proclaims.

"What about your other loved ones? I'm sure they are so pleased," Nyx continues.

"Mom's dead, dad's dead. Other than Lunie and Toby, they're all I got left." Jane says smugly.

"So Luna, here is your failed backup plan?"

"Backup plan? Technically, yes. I was given this option to continue to live within Luna's mind and help her out as she needs it. But to call her a failure? That is horribly incorrect, Nyx."

"Opinions aren't incorrect, they are subjective. I'd consider that a failure. You're both alone and had to abandon everything you lived for to be here. You didn't manage to save a single one of them along the way," Nyx states.

"A single one of whom, may I ask?"

"Everything you've wanted, everyone you knew, every hope and dream."

"Goodness, how vague. I'd expect better from you Miss Nyx."

"To be fair you are also clinging with every fiber of your being to the idea that petty passive name calling is something you do to feel better about yourself. It says more about you than the person you're calling names. Here's an example. I call you homebrew cuz you were brewed up like an experiment at the comfort of someone's home. This shows I have no care for what feelings you could have tied to those experiences. You calling me miss nyx or nyxie just tells me you haven't grown up past kindergarten name calling and trying ever so desperately clawing tooth and nail to even get a slice at me when you know you can't and never will," Nyx smirks and cocks her head to the side, "See?" She smiles warmly.

"Getting triggered over simple name calling, I could never," Jane smirks.

"I know very well behind that facade you thinking on it. Gnawing on every thought as it slowly starts chipping away."

"No, not really. I wasn't the one who spent the better part of 5 minutes explaining why you call us Homebrew over being called such childish frivolities such as Nyxxie. Seems the one who's actually losing this is you." Jane smiles warmly too.

"See what I mean? You do the same little smirk and same little childish attitude trip. The same warm or soft smile thinking that's what a win is? It's pathetic you really think that does anything."

"You did the exact same warm smile and smirk. Truly, I believe we're on equal ground."

"It's called a taste of your own medicine. Did the smirk affect you? No. Neither it did me," Nyx starts looking at her own nails.

"Okay Homebrew. Whatever you say. Are we done now?" 

"So unoriginal. I mean if you give up yeah."

"Could be worse, you could be the leader of the Moores and also Sparrow's lap dog. Oh wait."

"Could be worse, could be sitting on a sofa all day with nothing going for me. Oh wait."

Luna's eyes turn blue as Luna takes control again. Tears start flowing and she's shaking. "You're right Nyx, I'm all alone, dying slowly, and honestly, I feel like a failure. I refuse to lay down and die, but I cannot deny your words. Couldn't even protect Jane from dying."

"Now you're gettin it," Nyx nods.

"I'm still fighting, not ready to die " The shaking gradually lessens, "Even so, I refuse to lose to you."

"You act like everything is some big win or lose. Why is that?"

"Just an easier analogy for me," Luna shrugs.

"An analogy for what though?"

"Life in general. Kinda has a lot to do with who I am internally. I treat a lot of things as battles."

"So you polarize yourself with everything by proxy?"

"Not everything obviously. Sleep isn't a battle, nor is eating, or typing up my archives. But for a lot of things, especially if they're important, I do."

"What about talking to people? If there's a small disagreement it's suddenly a big battle to you that you have to fight in and win?"

"That's another one of my weaknesses, I admit. I don't really talk to people often," She wipes away her tears and the shaking slows.

"There's a difference between talking to and actually hearing people," Nyx explains.

"..." Luna looks really thoughtful and silent now. Actually trying to listen, "I mean I try to understand what people are saying, but I suck at it."

"Get good," Nyx shrugs.

"I feel like I get better at it with practice, much like right now. For what it's worth, there's no way I'm winning this one. I recognize this. Hope you had some other motive for coming here other than to be annoying." Luna smiles.

"That reminds me, is the orange juice box around? Maybe in her room or something?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"She's usually out here by now."

"Don't worry about it."

"So you do know? Let me guess, out in the woods talking to Oleander? Annoying Cole? Crying in a closet somewhere?"

Luna shrugs, "Look, it's not my business to know where Lock's at." They both sit silence a moment, "Actually, okay. She wanted to go back to Nonferal Earth for something, I'm unsure what exactly. I offered to tag along, but was denied."

Nyx's relaxed demeanor takes a halt, "...Nonferal Earth? After that talk with Mads and Mike?"


"..." Nyx blinks a few times. She's frozen in place for a long moment and scoffs "Ok that was funny, great joke. Good one. where is she actually?"

"No, I uhh fucked up and didn't actually think it through. Nonferal Earth, unknown location."

Nyx's eyes widen and her tone sounds scared "-I'll be back" She suddenly vanishes into a mass of shadows and eyes that fade from sight.

Pie - [@WickHeck so uh what's the deal here? You at Mikes and Mads place?]

Wick - Nope.

Pie - [Uhhh y-yeah you are]

Wick - No I'm not. Now if you mind, I'm a bit busy.

Pie - [Y-you can't do that yet- that's not the order of events- you're skipping everything!!!]

Wick - If doing the same thing over and over isn't working then I'm going to try something else

Pie - [You can't]

Wick - Why not?

Pie - [You destroy it all and you will be killing hundreds in the process]

Wick - I already evacuated the building

Pie - [W-uhhh Well what about the history? All of the medicine that could cure people??? All the research that could save people's lives?!?]

Wick - The place did more harm than good. Plus Madelyn saved some of the research for me. I'll go through it all and figure out to save

Pie - [YOU CANT DO THIS TOO EARLY You don't understand why it happens when it does- you're going to mess everything up and we will be worse off than before- it's going to take a million more timelines before we get another group of risen-]

Wick - I already did it

Pie - [NOOOO]

Wick - Yup

Pie - [You are going to PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID. I'm going to make you wish you were never born-]

Wick - Fun fact! The older the building the faster it burns...looks like we might have lost a few but over all it's still worth it

Pie - [How did you evacuate the whole manor so fast?!?]

Wick - Borrowed a megaphone from the store and said there were free pizza rolls outside

Pie - [...Lock...]

Wick - What?

Pie - [...most of the manor is soundproof...]

Wick - …

Pie - [Did anyone step outside when you yelled? Is there even anyone with you right now?]

Wick - ...uhm...


Wick - I saw a few running out of the building...with some burns...

Pie - [Do you have any clue what this means?]

Wick - ...I shouldn't be unsupervised?

Pie - [ think you're being funny right now? I kniw you try to cut up and laugh at everything like a little ray of sunshine but this isn't a joke.]

Wick - ...uhm

Pie - [Great this is wonderful! Datrrs didn't even predict it. No warning so I couldn't stop it in time. I hope you're happy.]

Wick - ...

Wick - So uh...update. Moore manor is burned down, I'm light headed, my palms are sweaty, I feel sick to my stomach, and I'm going to black out now-

Min - wanna explain why you did that?

Wick - Its the one thing Madelyn is still clinging to like she does every timeline

Min - so you burned it down?

Wick - ...yes

Min - did you. plan it or

Wick - …kinda
Wick - No.
Min - and uh. howd that go for you

Wick - …

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