Hell in a Handbasket

November 5, 2022

Spider steps out on the front porch. Nyx is sobbing on the porch. She still wears her fancy clothing and hood.

"Well I dunno what you're crying about," Spider’s voice is icy as she leans against the wall of the house.

Nyx looks over at Spider as she wipes the tears from her eyes, "Oh it's you."

"No, you're just hallucinating," Spider snarks, "So why are you here?"

"Well new boss, new orders, well...new orders might not be the right phrase. Maybe reiterated," Nyx gets up.

Spider raises an eyebrow, "New boss?"

"You know her, dating her even, funny goat nonferal with a few screws loose? Goes by Sparrow?"

"Yeah I'm aware, now do me a favor and slap some sense into her next time you see her," Spider glares at Nyx.

"No can do, that's what I'm here to do to you guys."

"And here I thought you were here to just sob on our steps," Spider mutters sarcastically.

"Anyway" Nyx flicks Spider on the nose with a smirk.

Spider rolls her eyes as she mutters to herself, "And here I thought the point of birthdays was that you got a break."

"Oh no honey, Sparrow specified to give you hell in a handbasket- speaking of," Nyx leans over and picks up a gift hand basket from the edge of the porch. It's all wrapped in plastic with decorative hearts all over it. Hard to tell what's in it without opening it.

"Tell her to shove it where the sun don't shine," Spider growls.

Nyx sets the gift basket next to Spider, "Alright, well happy birthday" Nyx starts walking away. Spider flips her off before looking down at the basket debating opening it. Nyx walks out of sight.

"Fuck it," Spider shrugs and opens it, making a face at all the decoration. Nyx's sword suddenly jabs out at Spider's shoulder. Spider attempts to dodge but it still gets her, she growls wincing slightly in pain.

Nyx starts crawling out of the basket while holding the sword, "Surprise I'm Hell!" She's having difficulty getting out.

"Not yet your not," Spider snarls at her.

"Well yo- eh-" Nyx grunts some as her foot is tangled in the plastic "-one moment."

Spider chuckles at Nyx. A black substance oozes and starts to run out of Spider’s sleeve from the wound, "Really, she wants to give me hell but sent a clown?"

Nyx kicks the gift basket off her rabbit foot, "If anyone's a clown here, it's Wobbles."

"Nah, I'm pretty sure I'm looking at the clown," Spider chuckles again at Nyx kicking the basket off, trying the annoyance tactic.

"That's cute homebrew" As Nyx quickly gets up she slashes at Spider's torso. Spider dodges as the black substance running down her arm starts to spread and form a long shape. The substance lashes out at the sword and pulls it out of Nyx's hands. Snakes with eyes cross their bodies slowly start to wrap Nyx's face as protection. 

The substance melts into the porch, it starts to rot the floor of the porch as Spider looks at the sword for a second before going to grab it. On going to grab the sword it disappears and reappears above Nyx. It drops on Nyx’s head as she stumbles.

Spider chuckles as she takes the opportunity to lunge at Nyx aiming to grab one of her ears. The ear is under the ears on her hood and it’s grabbed. Nyx is rather agile in sliding her foot under the sword and flicking it up to her hand without having to bend down.

Spider twists nyx's ear as part of a key appears in Spider’s free hand and she aims a deep slash at Nyx’s side. Nyx goes to twist the rest of her body with it as she blocks the slash with the sword. Spider lets go of Nyx moving quickly around the back of her to aim a stab at her back. The stab hits something that feels like pure stone and dinks off. The fabric is cut some. Nyx turns and slashes at Spider's legs. She dodges and aims a slash at Nyx's face this time. The slash dinks off the stone snakes that wrap Nyx’s face. Nyx goes to tackle Spider who dodges and aims a kick at her side. Nyx smashes through the front door into the living room from the momentum and the kick.

Meanwhile in the living room Lock walks in with a bowl of bland beef and rice. Luna and Oleander are telling eachother good morning.

“Good-" Oleander looks back at Lock, "Lock?"

"Morning," Lock sits by the wall.

"Are you... okay? What happened?" Oleander sounds concerned.

"What do you mean?" Lock asks.

"You... attacked Cole? And bit me?" Oleander explains.

"Oh right that," Lock looks down some "Uh yeah, I don't know what that was. I'm sorry."

Oleander nods, "It’s okay... do you remember what you felt or what might have caused it?"

"I'm not sure...it was like I was happy and excited," Lock stares at the floor in thought, "Like I was just wanting to rip someone apart to feel more joy." Lock's fur is slowly rising some.

Oleander nods. "I see.. well you can find joy in other ways, ya know?"

Luna nods in agreement.

Lock looks up as her fur lowers, "Like what?"

"Spending time with people you like, doing things you find fun, personally I find meditating helps me calm down and find joy in simple things, like nature,” Oleander explains.

"Screw nature, I wanna eat nature," Lock mumbles.

"Aw, why?" Oleander asks.

"Cuz it tastes good?" Lock says.

"Enaturalism moment," Luna mutters, "I mean some of nature tastes good. If you know what you're doing, you can find some berries out there that won't kill you and taste good."

"Oh," Oleander nods.

Cole blinks as he sits up and groggily, "Why are we talking about nature?"

"Eating nature," Lock responds.

Cole looks over at Lock, "Why...why would you do that?"

"Like I said to Purp, Nature tastes good," Lock shrugs.

"Wild," Oleander says.

"...see this is why you have autism," Cole cracks his neck and stretches.

"That doesn't mean I have it," Lock argues.

Cole stares at Lock, "You will."

Lock looks scared. Cole blinks at Lock, “Anyways." Cole looks at the floor and fidgets with his hands while thinking.

"Lock are you okay?" Oleander asks.

"The autism can strike at any moment," Lock says in fear.

"..." Oleander looks afraid as well.

"It's coming..." Kade adds and is laying on the floor.

"it's coming..." Cole mutters.

"Guys chill, nothing is coming," Luna sighs.

Nyx smashes through the door and falls on the floor. Her face is wrapped in snakes. Lock screams and hides under the blanket.

"I just had to fuckin jinx it. God damnit," Luna grumbles.


Kade blinks.

"Sup Nyx how's your Saturday goin'?" Luna says with a smirk.

Spider walks in. Nyx gets up as she turns to face Spider. Her white opal sword in hand as she glares, "Just wishing Spi here a happy birthday."

"Oh I'm sure you are," Luna facepalms.

Cole takes a coin out from his jacket and fiddles with it while looking at Nyx, "I better get something for my birthday or i'm making a callout post on my youtube channel."

"I don't even know when your birthday is," Nyx turns to face Cole.

"I can't believe you don't know when remembrance day is," Cole shakes his head and looks disappointed.

"What would Nyx even give you, other than maybe a slight wink and a smile?" Luna giggles.

"Your birthday is fucking remembrance day..." Kade mumbles.

Luna mentions, "Also known as Poppy day. God that makes too much sense." 

Cole shrugs and mutters, "Things have a way of circling back around."

"Stop being American," Kade demands.

"Eh. Could always be worse. You could be Canadian," Luna jokes.

Nyx rolls her eyes "Anyway can I torment everyone now yet or what?"

"Nah," both Cole and Luna say as Cole shakes his head.

"Kinda in the middle of my game." Luna smiles sweetly.

"I'm busy being mentally ill," Cole flips the coin in the air and goes to catch it. Nyx makes a motion with her hand as the coin flies into Cole's eye. there's a distinctive crunch and spark of electronics as Cole takes a deep breath and tries not to scream as he mutters, "You asshole"

Lock’s eyes go wide as she watches.

"Aww shit, first place," Luna then ends her video game and looks back at what’s happening, "Alright, now I'm re-- Oh."

Kade sits up to lay on the couch. Spider sighs and goes to sit on the sofa closing her eyes, "Someone let me know when the Duracell bunny over there is gone."

"Really? No reaction to Cole getting hurt?" Luna turns to Spider.

"You wanna give her the satisfaction?" Spider asks.

"I'll be honest I have no idea what's going on right now," Kade says.

"Surprised you don't just join Sparrow. I mean you two are still dating right?" Nyx asks Spider.

Cole is shaking in pain while staring at the floor, debating on pulling the coin out.

"Need help, big guy?" Kade asks Cole. Cole quickly shakes his head. Kade shakes his head, getting up and heading over to Cole.

"From what I can tell she hates me now, and I have no fucking clue," Spider opens her eye and looks over at Cole.

"No, she still loves you...and hates you? It's complicated. Had me sit in and listen to her ramble on and onnnn about you two" Nyx groans.

"like fuck she did" Spider mutters in response.

"Damn Nyx thank you for listening," Luna says genuinely.

"Wasn't my choice..." Nyx grumbles.

Cole's eye sparks as he glances up at Kade.

"Believe me or don't I don't really care" Nyx says to Spider.

"Anyway, so you're only doing this because Sparrow told you to? If so, I understand Nyx," Luna nods.

"Oi, luna, do you have a med kit or would you like to do your healy thing after I pull the coin out? If that works." Kade crouches to Cole's height, and puts a hand on his shoulder.

"I don't have a healy thing. Just first aid skills," Luna snaps the first aid kit regardless and steps in front of Cole. Nyx watches Kade and Cole a moment before making a twisting motion with a smile. The coin in the eye is twisted. Cole quickly bites down on his hand to muffle his pained scream as his eye sparks more.

"Can you please not Nyx? This is already gonna suck, now you're making my work harder," Luna remarks.

"That's kind of my job lil miss," Nyx shrugs.

"Bitch," Luna says.

Nyx blows her a kiss.

"...Anyway, let's do this," Luna sighs.

"I forget who does what," Kade winces a bit at the twist, but huffs, "You'll be alright. I'll make it quick."

"You take it out, I'll bandage,” Luna puts her gloves on. Cole tenses up as he braces.

Kade nods, "On 3?"

Nyx puts a hand on her hip as she waits.

Luna nods, "Do it."

"1.... 2..." Kade just reaches in and grabs the coin. As soon as the coin's out, Luna applies pressure to try and stop the blood flow, then bandages up the eye wound. The coin is ripped out as Cole bites down hard on his hand to muffle his pained scream. Nyx starts slow clapping. Lock covers her ears

Luna sighs, "Well thank you for the weird applause Nick-- I mean Nyx."

Kade holds the coin now and backs up, "It should feel better quick.."

Luna nods, "And when Nyx finally leaves, you can do your own healy things."

The coin has welding and spark marks on it. Cole nods and breathes heavily. Kade stuffs it into his pocket for the time being.

"Well that was boring. Consider that an early birthday gift. Anyone else have a birthday?" Nyx asks. Lock hides under the blanket.

"Imagine remembering your birthday," Kade mumbles, "I think mine was said in the kiss server once. But I haven't committed it to memory... nor really, celebrated it ever."

"Nope. Mine's not until June 20," Luna states, "it's one of the few things I can access."

"Oh there's a discord server? Perhaps I could be invited to it?" Nyx smiles.

Fuckim Kaiju Spirit — Yesterday at 6:29 PM

"No fuck you," Kade quickly responds.

Spider looks over at Nyx, "Absolutely not."

Luna shrugs, "If you weren't here to torment us, I would be fine with it."

Cole glares at Nyx with his remaining eye.

"Sorry," Luna adds.

Nyx looks over at Cole's eye, "Could be worse, could have attacked you with a flock of birds and taken both your eyes out only to put them in my fridge and forget about them. Man I would be so mad if I had a friend who went through all that and died in the old timeline…oh right, I do have that friend," Nyx sneers.

"Holy shit Jack reference," Luna mutters.

Cole rolls his one eye at Nyx and crosses his arms

"What the fuck," Kade mumbles.

"And Jack is still around in this timeline. I'll be sure to tell him how he died in the old one to let some craving for revenge fester. After all, he only became your enemy from how you all treated him for being a mighty," Nyx smiles.

"Yeah cause that's all we need," Spider grumbles.

"Interesting. I was wondering if he would be back for round 2," Luna thinks out loud.

"Is there a wiki on this?" Kade asks.

"It may be a bit before Jack shows his face again. He has some work as a mighty to catch up on and I can take him under my wing just like old times. I'll probably melt a fun lil mask to his face myself this time. Really liked that aesthetic," Nyx nods in thought.

"damn....that's crazy," Cole's voice is still muffled because of the hand in his mouth. The blanket lump lock is hiding in shakes some.

"Anyway you guys are getting boring, toodles!" Nyx waves and walks into the shadow of the door and disappears.

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