November 3

Lock is just a blanket lump on the floor of the living room with her nose barely sticking out for air.

Wick - What happened?

Luna - You were looping again Lock Stuck repeating "Merry Christmas" over and over again. Cole tried to find a way to reset you, but it was difficult.

Wick - Why does my neck hurt like a rattle snake in the knickers?

Luna - To add onto what Cole had to do to reset you, it seems like you had shut down, so there was a choker thing on your neck that was like a shock collar, and she used it to jumpstart you. We're sorry.

Wick - ...Ok first of all, was he messing with the watch?

Luna - Yes. Trying to find a way to reset you.

Wick - Ok, that's just a Lock to keep me from messing with settings. He must have got it wrong too many times and I was reset. Second of all, that's not a shock collar. That was a gift from Kaz.

Luna - but it had shocking things in it. Not sure what to call it

Wick - No? It's just a normal necklace

Luna - No, it definitely had some electrodes in it. It was honestly terrifying.

Wick - ...

Luna - I'm sorry Lock.

Purp - Wait okay, back up. Reset?

Luna - So sometimes Lock and Cole enter what we call a "feedback loop", which basically means they repeat the same phrase over and over and over again. And to fix that, we have to find a way to reset them. Max handles Cole's loops no problem, but we weren't sure how to fix Lock's

Purp - So... how did you reset her??

Wick - I mean, getting the password wrong over and over will fix it. It will just take me a bit to get back up.

Purp - Password?

Wick - On my watch

Purp - ... why would that reset you... I feel out of the loop.

Wick - Like I said before, I'm part phone. get with the program Purp

Luna - That's a cute nickname'

Wick - ...

Purp - Like Cole? As in you're part machine kind of?

Wick - Uh yeah, just way less than Cole

Purp - Okay got you. I see. I didn't realize that, lol. Want pizza rolls?

Wick - Ooo yeah one second

Oleander walks in the kitchen to make pizza rolls. Kade is watching Oleander expectantly. Lock walks in. There's a bit of black fabric sticking out of her neck fur. 

Oleander tilts his head. "What's on your neck?" He asks as the pizza rolls cook. He boops Kade's nose.

"You didn't read up that far in the chat did you?" Lock walks over to the counter and leans on it.

"Guess not. So what's on it?" Oleander asks.

"Necklace a guy named Kaz gave me...though I'm thinking I need to get it off when I get the chance."

"I can try to take it off if you'd like?" There’s a beeping as the pizza rolls finish. Oleander takes them out and separates them into 3 servings.

"I mean sure," Lock sounds a hint uneasy.

"You can say no, I dont have too,," He says, offering a small smile and her bowl of pizza rolls.

"No I need to," Lock shakes her head. She takes the bowl with a smile.

"Alright," He smiles back. "Can I see it then?"

"Yeah," Lock sets the bowl on the counter and tilts her head up. Oleander gets close to see the necklace. There's a thin soft fabric coming apart at the seams that was wrapping a copper wire. The fur looks slightly singed and there's a burn mark.

"Hm..." Oleander looks at it. "Let me look and see if we have wire cutters-" He moves away and goes to the hallway closet, returning with wire cutters. He tries to cut the wire. Lock winces slightly at the wire being cut.

"Are you okay?" he asks, trying to take it off now. It comes off easily. Lock nods and smiles.

She picks up the bowl of pizza rolls again, "I don't care if you eat it, burn it, or use it as a toothpick. I don't want to see that thing ever again."

"Fair enough" Oleander chuckles, tossing it in the trash and grabbing his own food and some lemonade. "Do you have a favorite movie?"

"Not sure, that's a tricky one," Lock eats a few pizza rolls.

Oleander eats a couple, "Well, what’s some of your favorites?"

" to clean your room is a pretty fun one."

He blinks, "Wait, what?"

"That and taking out the trash one. There was one time they went over what to do if you slip on a step," Lock smiles.

"Lock... that's not a movie..."

"Yeah it is, 75 minutes or more. That one was like an hour and a half."


"What do you mean how? Have you never seen a movie before?"

"But... you said it was about how to clean your room???"


"I see."

Later that day Cole and Isaac are standing in the hallway talking. Lock turns the corner and stares at both of them.

Cole glances over and thinks nothing of it "It just feels undeserved I guess" Cole whispers as he looks back to Isaac, finishing his sentence.

Lock bLocks their escape. The light of the living room silhouetting her. Her yellow eyes illuminated in the dark.

Cole looks over at Lock, "...can I help you?"

"What in the hunky hell?" Lock remarks.

"...are you saying that because of Isaac or me or both of us?" Cole looks puzzled.

"I dunno, it sounded funny" Lock shrugs.

"Why are you standing like your gonna murder me?" Cole asks.

"Incase I decide to" Lock responds.

“Is she good?" Isaac whispers to Cole.

Cole shrugs, "I don't think you would win that, Lock."

"Randomized signals lock you up right?" Lock tilts her head some.

"" Cole shakes with fear slightly, it's not visible but Isaac can feel him shaking.

"And you're magnetic too right?" Lock stares him down.

"uhhh I don't like this," Isaac mumbles.

"I'm not magnetic," Cole reaches a hand into his jacket as he watches Lock's every move.

Lock's mouth slowly turns a smile, "But your back is right? So you can charge?"

"Sometimes, Lock I suggest you not try anything," Cole cocks the hammer back on something in his jacket.

Lock snickers some "Why? I'm only your daughter."

"Because you're asking me about my weaknesses while cornering me and my boyfriend, so I suggest you stop," Cole explains.

"I'm just having a friendly chat" Lock takes the hatchet off her back with slow even movements. Isaac is quiet as he's not sure how to react. Cole straightens her back and focuses his attention to Lock's hatchet as he draws his revolver and keeps it at his side, the hammer is cocked back and Cole looks calm. Lock slowly walks forward. Her grip on the hatchet tightens. Isaac gets out his pocket spoon.

"I am not against shooting you Lock," Cole's grip on his revolver stays loose as he watches Lock.

"What about me?" A soft voice says from behind Cole as he feels a gently tap on his shoulder. Oleander walks in from behind Lock, looking over to see the others in the hallway. Cole quickly jerks the revolver away from his side and holds it close to his chest as he looks over his shoulder. For a split second both Oleander and Cole see an eye in the dark close and vanish from sight. Lock sprints at Cole with the hatchet drawn back ready to strike. She wears a wide smile on her face. As soon as Lock sprints at Cole he shoots Lock's hand that's holding the hatchet as his jacket rips slightly.

"Lock?" Oleander's eyes widen and he runs at her, grabbing her in a hug and trying to pull her away from Cole. Lock's hand gets shot as she drops the hatchet. Oleander is able to grab her as Lock starts violently flailing to get out.

Oleander is pretty strong and pulls her away, trying to tackle her to the ground, "What the fuck are you doing?"

Lock hits the ground and keeps squirming. Lock also has started giggling.

Cole holsters his revolver and groans, "Can't fucking believe this." Cole walks over to Lock and crouches down.

"Cole, what's going on with her?" Oleander asks while pinning her down.

Lock bites into Oleander's arm. Oleander yelps in pain but keeps holding her down.

"I don't fuckin know man," Cole groans, "You want help with that or?" Cole points at Lock.

"Yes please-" he says, struggling a bit to hold her down. Cole helps Oleander hold her down as he tries to pry Lock's mouth off of his arm. Lock’s right hand is shot and a few fingers are bent the wrong way. The metal of the fake arm seems only partly dented. Lock lets go. Isaac is still standing at the end of the hall with his tail curled.

"Lock, why are you doing this?" Oleander asks with concern, "Please stop-"

Lock bites Cole's hand before it's pulled away, "OHMMM."

Cole takes a sharp breath and sighs, "God damn it." Lock’s bite sparks slightly as Cole is sent randomized signals. Cole locks up as his eyes go completely white.

"Lock- Lock if you stop I'll make you so many pizza rolls and get gummy worms and everything!" Oleander says desperately. Lock snickers as she keeps ahold of Cole's arm. Her fur is raised.

Cole is frozen like a cardboard cutout. Oleander notices and tries to pry her hand off him. She snarls like a crazed chihuahua refusing to let go of a pizza slice. Isaac is trying to figure out how to help as he picks up the hatchet hesitantly.

"Don't hurt her- I'll figure it out-" Oleander barks at Isaac, trying to desperately pull Lock off Cole with a bit of a struggle. Lock pushes Oleander off of herself as she lets go and sprints into a room and slams the door.

Cole’s eyes return to normal. He takes a deep breath as the wound on Cole's hand heals, "Fuck I hate it when she does that"

Oleander sighs, looking at the floor, "I don't understand..."

Luna enters from the living room, "y'all okay? What the hell happened?"

"Lock is having an episode or something, she tried to attack me," Cole groans as he stands up.

Oleander looks tired and gets up. "God I dont... know what's happening..."

The hatchet disappears from Isaacs hands

"I was listening the entire time from the living room, thinking y'all had it under control. 3 vs 1 ya know? I'm sorry I didn't come sooner," Luna shrugs.

"It's fine, no one got too hurt," Cole waves his hand dismissively.

"That's good at least. Hope she'll be able to get out of that episode alright," Luna sighs.

Oleander goes to the guest bedroom.

"Hopefully," Cole yawns as he tiredly stretches, "I should really get some sleep."

"For sure. I think rest is what we all need. Hope you two have a good night," Luna says to Isaac and Cole.

"Night, Luna," Cole waves to luna as he walks over to isaac and stares at him. Luna waves as she disappears.

"...well uhhh. Good thing we got it handled" Isaac smiles nervously as he goes to lean on the wall to look cool.

"yeah, good thing," Cole yawns again, "You wanna go sleep in the living room, mister cool guy?"

"Sounds good," Isaac smiles and goes to the living room.

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