Strawberry Orange Punch

October 25, 2022

Harm - Hey kid what's up

Wick - ...ehhhh

Harm - should i not call u kid? sorry. im one of the people who played among us with u a bit ago

Wick - Oh yyouuu youuuu yoy ya yo

Harm - ya. still wanna go to gluttony?

Wick - Yeeahhhthatsmhm

Harm - are u okay?

Wick - I'mmokayimfine. Meetat meetatrthe bigol lighthouse?

Harm - i dont think youre okay???? Are you hurt?

Wick - Yyouknowyouknowiiicanget thereicangwtthere

Harm - what?? how???

Wick - Ivegotthe movesas allllllgetout

There's a singular knock on the door. Harmonia, a large moth style demon, gets up from the couch, confused. "huh??" She gets the door. Lock is standing there wearing a green gingham print hoodie and a hatchet on her back. She folds her arms and looks loopily at her "Whatup buttercup?"

Harmonia stares back. "WHAT??? HOW THE FUCK???" She stares at her in bewilderment.

"Sweetjim many christmas youneedta shave" Lock goes to walk past her into the house. Her tail is shaved with bandages on it and bright red blood stains.

Harmonia lets her in, closing the door behind her. "Are you okay??"

"Wheres thekombacha?" Lock glances around.

"Huh??? I dont??Have any???" The house is decently clean and decorated for Halloween.

Lock picks up the lamp and looks under it "whereare thye"

Harmonia walks over and grabs the lamp, setting it down and leading Lock to the couch. "Are.. are you okay?"

Lock takes the full couch cushion off and sits on the sofa. She sets the cushion on the floor "I'mokkay"

Harmonia blinks. "You are such a creature..." She notices the bandages again. "Do you need those rewrapped?"

Lock looks over at where she's looking "ohno Idontopenthat tillchristmas"

"What's your favorite movie?"

"Ilikemovinglikethis" She goes to punch her shin with her right arm that feels like solid metal

It makes a loud thunk and Harmonia blinks. "I think its bed time." She picks her up and holds her in a big bear hug. Instantly Lock starts a high pitched squealing as she flails. Harmonia lets go of her. 

Lock steps back and catches her breath " Iwassaying..." Lock starts walking to the kitchen as Harmonia follows her.

Lock goes to the counter and jumps some as she tries reaching for a knife. Harmonia grabs her wrist and pulls her away from the knife.


Harmonia pushes her away from the knives and lets go, standing in front of the knives. Lock falls over from being pushed.

Meanwhile in the livgroom a paper with a sigil on it slides out from under the couch. It bursts into flames and Kade appears "I'm HEREEEEE"

Cole appears next to Kade in a puff of black smoke "here's the genesone"

Harmonia looks a tad stressed.

"Ow- oh wait i cant feelpain rn heheheh"

Cole cracks her fingers and walks over to Lock "so who's ready for this?"

Kade looks over to the batch of misfits "What thr fuck."

Lock looks loopily over at Cole

Cole crouches down "so does anyone object to removing her soul to try and get old timeline memories back?"

Lock blinks some "Ifi took morbfeen doesthatmean IM morbius?"

Harmonia shakes her head. "I mean.. go off?"

"...drunk lock is never something i would have expected to hear" Cole sighs and shakes his head. Cole plunges her hand into Lock's chest and pulls out her soul. "nighty night, lock"

Later Lock jolts awake. She’s laying on the ground infront of another house with Cole by her side. "god this is gonna suck for you

Lock takes a sharp breath in that's interrupted by coughing.

"Sorry about this but it's gonna last all night"

"wh-" Lock coughs again as her eyes start to bleed. Cole smells strawberry orange punch.

"I can't control it, your soul got cursed when I tried to recover your memories" Cole snaps as a towel appears and puts it under Lock's eyes

Lock takes the towel and wipes her eyes as she coughs into it. All she can taste is strawberry orange punch flavored blood "a-all I can tas-taste istastes good" She stutters between coughs as she laughs some.

Cole sighs "that's fine, let's just get you inside" Cole offers a hand to Lock.

Lock goes to take her hand and misses a few times. The blood loss and strange blood she’s tasting are both giving her hallucinations.

Cole grabs lock's hand and sighs "God I'm gonna have to babysit you aren't I?"

"Wel-" Lock coughs more. The few times her eyes are clear enough to see she's glancing around everywhere.

"Let's get you to a sink" Cole leads Lock inside with a heavy sigh.

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