October 24

Wick - As soon as Kaz gets home from getting Blair's groceries he's ganna tell me!!!

Luna - That's good, I really do hope it's something amazing Lock.

Wick - Ooo he sent me a message, said to meet at the old lighthouse so Blair doesn't hear

Luna - Ooo okay. Just be careful out there.

Wick - ...so uhhh. I uhm. Huh.

Luna - Oh hey, how did the meeting go?

Wick - So...he explained that he's moving in and uh...this camping trip is me moving out...for good. Sorta.

Luna - He's moving in? I thought Kaz was already living with you and Blair. And okay, where are you supposed to live after camp is over?

Wick - Hehehh uhh he didn't care- there were some threats made...

Luna - What the hell? Oh my gods, I am so sorry Lock, you don't deserve to be threatened! But like what did he say? Like okay, I've never met this version of Kaz before so I have no idea what he's like, but threatening you is horrible.

Wick - He said something about if I show my face there ever again, and how he's been stealing things from the house, and something about knife. Then everything got kinda fuzzy a-and then he said oh God please stop it bleeping hurts

Luna - Oh Gods, that's awful. But what really worries me is that last bit. Normally things don't get fuzzy for you like that right? And then he complained of pain… In terms of stealing things, like does Blair have things in the house worth taking? I have no idea what her role is

Wick - …

Luna - Lock?

Wick - I better get ready for that camping trip.

Luna - I understand Lock. Well, if you need anything, we're here for ya. That's our role as Risen.

Wick - Question?

Luna - Yeah, what's up.

Lock - Well two questions actually. How do you wash blood from fur and how do you hide a body???

Luna - Well for the second question, maybe put it in a place no one will think to look? Like you're surrounded by the ocean, why not put it in the ocean? As for blood, that takes a bit to clean out. Best thing I can recommend is a long bath with soap and water, it'll take time though. Trust me

Wick - [[[pFnwaght eetcse- exstnihWn fk Yi

>https://youtu.be/pwhec-xnWfY Fates sinking teeth


Wick - WAIT. NO. You can't do this. I've seen this I know what it is- this is suposed to be watching the Moore manor people live sad little lives. NOT ME LEAVE ME OUT OF THIS.

Luna - Lock???

Wick - Everytime I see one of those messages with an image things just get worse. I don't want to be a part of all this chaos

Wick - [[[Should have thought of that before murdering your boyfriend pumpkin


Wick - Fine. Mr.Sclient treatment. I see how it is. I'll just be on my bleeping way then. Bleep you!

Luna - Unfortunately, certain people are able to force messages through DATRRS, so there's likely no way to know that is.

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