October 23, 2022

[[[Or again

-SiaNvHet dhLe-rz u 4

> Save her


Wick - Very funny Cole

Cole - hmm?

Wick - I know it's halloween and all coming up but a face in the window at night is kinda basic

Cole - I'm actually not at your house right now, get away from the window right fucking now

Wick - Now that's you I can tell, great singing voice by the way


Wick - Well you should more often it sounds great

Cole - your missing the fucking point, I'm not at your house I'm not singing and you are in danger and need to get away from that window

Wick - I don't feel in danger

Cole - just get away from the window please

Wick - You're even singing about rainbows. That's like your thing

Cole - no it isn't

Wick - Yeah it is. You're like married or something

Cole - how do you know that?

Wick - Oh ya know- oh...oh now you're leaving. I see how it is. Won't even drop off any fanter. Also you should get a doctor or something. Your skin looked paler than a cabbage white on Christmas

Cole - lock I'm trying to tell you that it wasn't me who was there

Wick - You don't habe to be shy, you have a beautiful set of vocal cords man

Cole - i'm not being shy that just wasn't me

Wick - So what are you up to?

Cole - avoiding talking about halloween


Cole - oh? that's uh that's great lock what did uh what did you do on halloween

Wick - Everyone goes out to go trick or treating. Its the only time Im really allowed to go anywhere I want. We go ask for candy at houses and if they say no then you plot revenge on them like that legand and stuff. Last halloween I went to ask a bear in a cave and I found that hatchet

Cole - oh.....interesting

Wick - Though when I get home I give it all to Blair and she gives me the same weight in vitamin gummies

Cole - i don't think that's good

Wick - No it's reallllllyyy good

Cole - how so

Wick - It tastes like heaven on Earth and I get a bleep of a headache so it's like the best of both worlds!

Cole - i don't think you should be eating that many gummies

Wick - It's fine

Cole - i really don't think it is

Wick - Anyway, where's my Fanter? >:(

Cole - uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gimme one second

Cole appears with two bottles of fanta as he runs up the stairs and looks out across the horizon. The forest of pine trees looks somewhat sad as the weather is significantly colder. The sky is filled with a layer of gray and white fog. Cole vaults the railing and starts sprinting to Lock's house. When he walks onto mollusk street the air is filled with the smell of...barbeque? There's people out setting some last minute decorations. Houses have depictions of ghosts, witches, black cats, bats, ravens...and white coyotes? Cole sniffs the air and looks puzzled as he keeps walking. There's people in their yards hanging out and chatting around grills with barbeque. There's also advertisements on light posts of places in town to get your halloween barbeque. Cole resists the urge to steal bbq and keeps walking to lock's house. Lock's house is the only one on the block without decorations.

Cole - lock why do I smell bbq

Wick - It's Halloween you gotta have barbecue

Cole - that makes no fucking sense

Wick - What do you mean??? Like Thanksgiving has eating turkey, Easter has eating eggs, Christmas has eating fire, and Halloween has eating barbecue. It's not that hard to understand. You learn this in like kindergarten


Wick - We- oh hey again, I see you

Cole - yeah sure you do

Wick - Yeah you're right there

Cole's jacket rips as metal strips grip the side of the house as the metal strips climb up the house and a metal strip checks if the window is locked. A few people at a barbecue party across the street pause and watch quietly. The window is unlocked. The metal strip open the window as Cole slips into the window. The metal strips retract into his jacket and the rips heal. The house looks just like before. The cactus in the window is struggling a bit though. Cole can hear someone cooking down stairs. Cole walks over to locks door and opens it. He extends the bottles of Fanter to Lock. Lock is sitting on her bed sorting a handful of rocks into piles. Cole's soul instantly aches as he sees a black and white face in the window. Lock looks over at Cole as her face lights up "FANTER!!!"

Cole groans in pain quietly as he quickly hides his pain behind a smile "I brought two because I have missed a lot of deliveries"

"OOOOO" Lock gets up and runs over before snatching the bottles from him.

"So uh do you know what....that is?" Cole points at the black and white face.

"It's you" The aching gets severely worse. The white face stares at Cole with no sound.

Cole groans and clutches his chest as his smile instantly fades to a pained expression "n-no it's really not, can you get it to....go away" Cole's breathing sounds pained

His soul begins to feel like it's burning at the core as his eyes become uncomfortably warm.

"You had bad barbeque didn't you?" Lock giggles some.

"Lock this...this-ah fucking bitch" Cole falls to one knee as he struggles to breath "it- it isn't funny"

"I think it's funny" Lock has a bit of a relaxed look. The room starts to look less saturated to Cole as his eyes feel like they are burning.

Cole covers his eyes as he struggles to keep his breathing in check "i-it''s not."

Suddenly all of the aching and pain stops. Something feels off. Cole breathes heavily and uncovers his eyes "What the fuck was that!?"

His hands look fluffy with claws. The room is black and white except for anything that is already overly saturated. on seeing Lock he can see her soul.

"...." Cole stands up straight and looks around with a slightly confused look as he looks over at Lock "interesting"

Cole bonks his head on the ceiling as he's much taller now. Lock looks calm and giggles some "You look funny" the thing out of the window has a soul visually blocked by a green square.

Cole crouches down slightly as he groans

"What do I look like?"

"Fluffy" Lock smiles. Cole can feel he has wings and long ears. He no longer feels he has lips anymore

“i think i'm gonna go, have fun with halloween"

Cole walks out of lock's room and vaults out of the window. He finds he can take bigger jumps without any pain. The people across the street are still staring.

Cole looks over at the people that are staring "what do you want?"

They look confused.

Cole smiles and leans down slightly "BOO"

No one really reacts.

"Awww dammit" Cole sighs and rolls his eyes. "You guys are no fun" Cole huffs and starts to walk to Usha's cafe. The cafe looks a bit busier than usual with halloween decorations up. There's even a funny coyote decal on the window with a wide tooth filled smile. Cole bends down as he walks through the door with a quiet groan. There's a few people inside and Usha greets him with a smile "Welcome!" There's a strong smell of bbq.

Cole stands back up and looks slightly confused as he walks up to the counter "can i have a double shot espresso?"

"We also have Barbeque sliders at a discount for Halloween if you would like" Usha starts making the espresso.

"...why would I want barbeque on halloween?" Cole looks incredibly confused

He furrows his brow some and makes a weird look "Well you're not from around here"

"no i'm uh not from around here" Cole shakes his head

Usha chuckles some "You know what, one on the house, I wanna see if you like it"

Cole shrugs "why not? I don't see the harm in it"

Usha sets the espresso and a small barbeque slider on the counter. The bread used looks very fresh. Cole puts a 5 dollar bill on the counter and devours the slider in one bite. Usha takes the money and starts getting his change. The slider tastes like pork but more juicy, fatty, and rich.

"....very interesting, good but interesting" Cole nods as he picks up the espresso and takes a sip.

"Yeah coyote meat really does go perfectly with barbeque" Usha nods with a smile

The espresso is ok this time.

"That's what that meat is? huh I'll have to start making things with coyote meat" Cole smiles

Suddenly Cole blacks out and wakes up to police officer Basil shining a light in his face. He's on his back in the middle of the street.

Cole blinks several times "why the hell are you shining that in my face?"

Basil turns it off "Are you ok sir? You were barking at people before running out in the street and almost getting ran over"

"...i'm fine" Cole sits up and groans. 

Basil gets up and offers a hand to help him up "I'd suggest keeping an eye out for cars next time"

Cole takes basil's hand and stands up "mhm totally."

"And maybe quiet down with the barking until you get home"

"..." Cole is extremely tempted to bark.


"Alright" Cole nods.

"Stay safe" Basil gives a nod before beginning to walk away.

Cole watches basil walk away and while walking to the sidewalk starts cackling and mutters "the fucker didn't even recognize me."

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