October 19 - October 21

October 19, 2022 / Alone

Wick - №Hehehh

Luna - Oh hey Michael, how are you doing?

Wick - №Uh hey. Hehehh things are going ok? The three of us are still moving from building to building alot

Luna - That makes sense. Y'all were being chased by people who wanted to harm you guys, so best to stay hidden. Are you feeling any better though?

Wick - №Kind of? I mean my skin still hurts to touch and people give me weird looks in public

Luna - You probably got 3rd degree burns from being in the box, so it'll probably hurt to touch for a while. If it ever gets to be too painful, let someone know. And weird looks? I mean burns like that might make you lose fur and make your skin look red. Have you looked in a mirror?

Wick - №Uh hh no I haven't

Luna - I see. Probably best you don't honestly. But with all of that taken care of, has Madelyn or Willis talked to you or told you about what's going on? Like all of this couldn't be because you froze up on the roof and let Madelyn go right?

Wick - №It was hehehh...the crown wanted me gone as soon as they heard there was a mighty that didn't do what they were told

Luna - None of that was your fault though. You were scared of heights, plus you froze up in fear. I don't understand what the hell Nyx was thinking.

Wick - №Madelyn said it was a sign of fear. Said the crown can't have mighty who could be easily made into a mole? Like I'm not a mole hybrid

Luna - Oh no no, not a mole hybrid, but rather someone on the inside spying on the Moores. Basically someone who could tell Outsiders what the researchers or the mighty are doing.

Wick - №I'm still not a mole. Hhh we're also stopping at a gas station right now. Willis knows so much about everything

Luna - Of course Michael, and Willis sounds like an amazing person. Have you been learning things from him? Maybe he might be able to teach you to read.

Wick - №He's trying to but Madelyn seems to have picked up on it alot faster. He's also got Madelyn a job somehow. Like being a mighty but for others not at the manor. Hhh And you get money for it too

Luna - Dang, that's awesome to hear. I wonder where she's working at. Is Willis gonna try and find you a job too?

Wick - №Willis said his wife works enough for both of them. Her name's Camy?

Luna - Ah, he's married then. That's really cool. Did Willis ever say where Camy works? Just mostly curious. And honestly, they both sound like awesome people.

Wick - №Something called a band. He was hheh able to find Madelyn a job working for one of the band members

Luna - I see. Well, a 'band' is a group of people who all play music together. But yeah that sounds great, I hope Willis or Camy finds you a job like that too. 

Are you guys still heading to the gas station?

Wick - №Yeah we should be there soon

Wick - №We're being followed?

Luna - That's weird. I'm guessing Willis or Madelyn are aware of it though. Are they doing something to try and get away?

Wick - №They said to tuck and roll

Luna - Holy shit, follow their lead Michael. That's really scary sounding.

Wick - №Ok so concrete hurts bit we made it in the gas station

Luna - I can imagine doing a tuck and roll on concrete would hurt a bit. What matters is you're safe and away from your chasers. What's the next step?

Wick - №Hiding in the bathroom stalls while Willis confronts them

Luna - That's a good idea. Stay safe Michael, and keep aware of what's around you. If you sense something's off, let Madelyn know if she's near you.

Wick - №Well I can here him talking...they asked him about us...he's claiming to have killed us?

Luna - Well obviously you two are still alive, so he's lying to them to protect you two from whoever's out to get you. Just gotta stay quiet and trust Willis and Madelyn. Keep us updated.

Wick - №Then they said they have no use for h-...oh...

Luna - 'No use for him'? Did you... happen to hear what happened to him?

Wick - №...They just killed him...

Luna - ...uh I can imagine madelyn isn't handling it so well. what is she doing right now? either way, you need to stay by her side.

Wick - №She's kinda quiet...I heard the people who did it leave

Wick - №We're leaving... without him

Luna - I'm sorry for yours and Madelyn's loss. Where are you guys going though, did she say?

Wick - №Madelyn said we're going to that friend of his wife to see about the job

Luna - Right on. Hope Camy's friend can help you guys out, maybe even get you two some shelter.

Wick - [[[kAwTlo6orpnlFeds Vi An 6 ha A

> Alone in a world https://youtu.be/kT6pFsVA6hA 


Wick - There's other flavors of Fanter!?!?

Wick - Give me all of the flavors. Is there a tea flavor? Or a potato flavor?

October 20, 2022 / Coulrophobia

Wick - №Madelyn hehehh is back from her job. She hates it

Ocie - Good lord if that ain't relatable I dunno what is

Wick - №hehhh who is this?

Ocie - A clown

Wick - №...I don't like you

Ocie - I get that a lot. What's your reason, Michael?

Wick - №I hh I just don't

Ocei - Why?? You don't like CL🤡WNS???

Wick - №...please go away hh


Wick - №Please just hhh please stop it

Ocie - Get a load of this guy. Courlophobic in the year of our lord 2022

Wick - №hehehh w-what does that mean?

Ocie - Fear of CLOWNS. Mightve spelled it wrong.

Wick - №...where's the other risen? I want hhh to speak to them

Luna - Hey Michael.

Wick - №They won't go away hhh

Luna - Hey Ociela, can you like not tease Michael about this??? He's clearly fucking uncomfortable. Come on.

Ocie - Im just being silly :o)

Luna - You're scaring him! He just walked through a living hell over the past few days, almost dying and then witnessing another friend dying right in front of him. Leave him alone.

Ocie - He simply needs some joyous whimsy to brighten up his day!~♤♡♧◇

Luna - Maybe so, but you also can't tell me you don't sense fear in the way he's communicating

Wick - №...I don't want whimsy

Ocie - Why not?

Wick - №Whimsy is scary and rude

Ocie - Oh yeah? Elaborate

Wick - №If whimsy are anything like clowns, they spit in your face and live in bad smelling trailers where they cry themselves to sleep with their trashy wife

Ocei - Do you have issues. I think you need therapy. Search 'clowngirl' on tiktok and your opinions will change i promise.

Wick - №What's therapy and ticking?

Ocie - Ask Madelyn

Wick - №She said to not talk to her after work

Ocie - Ask her tomorrow

Wick - №Uh ok

Luna - Therapy is this thing where you talk to someone you trust about your problems and they try to give advice back to help solve them. Tiktok is basically youtube but for really short videos.

Wick - №What's yourtube?

Luna - youtube is this website to watch funny videos on your phone.

Wick - №?

Luna - uhhhhhh it's stuff to watch

Wick - №Uh ok

Wick - It's almost time!!! I can't wait!!!

Luna - Heck yeah Lock! I'm happy for ya too, camp is gonna be a ton of fun!

Wick - YEAH...what's camp?

Luna - Camp is this thing you do with a bunch of people where you sleep away for maybe a week or so, hang out, make new friends and sometimes you make a fire outside and tell stories. It's a fun time, plus you'll get out of the house for a bit. There's probably fanter there too

Wick - What flavor? Flour flavor???

Luna - Ewww flour flavored fanter?? Nah, probably orange and grape, maybe strawberry and pineapple if they're smart.

Wick - Woah.

Wick - Kaz said he'll tell me the surprise on the 25th before I leave for camp!!!

Luna - T-that's good! Hope the surprise is a good one... haha

Wick - You should get that stutter checked out

Luna - Ah yes, thank you Lock. I've been having a lot of issues with it lately. What do you think the surprise is gonna be?

Wick - Probably a date or a present

Luna - oooo what if it's both a movie date and more fanter???


Wick - I love him!

October 20, 2022 / Dreaming

Wick - Fun fact! They are under the radiator

Luna - "They"?

Wick - The skrooglygooblers

Luna - Skrooglygooblers??? What are those?

Wick - Just a couple a dastardly umbrella inhabitants...shhh don't tell them that though

Luna - Uh yeah, I promise if I ever find a Skrooglygoobler, I will not say they're "dastardly umbrella inhabitants" to their face. What does a skrooglygoobler even look like, like can you describe it?

Wick - Never before have I realized how malleable my eyebrows are

Luna - Lock, are you okay? You're not usually this incoherent.

Wick - Great googly moogly

Luna - ...that's creepy.

Wick - I have two words for you little miss. Pastrami

Luna - ...what. Also don't call me short.

October 21, 2022 / CoWorker

Wick - №I don't care how many monster cards you had growing up STOP TALKING TO ME

Spi - Job going well?

Wick - №NO. The other new hire won't stop nagging my ear

Spi - They hired you and Mike? All jokes aside yeah that sounds like a pain

Wick - №No not Michael. He's at home

Spi - That just went right over your head didn't it? Anyways, can you get away from that prick for 5 minutes? Try and calm down so you don't get fired and all that jazz

Wick - №I can't. The boss said he's the one I'm working with. I'll have to learn to live with it.

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