Wick - №Dren has the funky
Luna - That's awesome to hear Dren! Does Dren got the Groovy too? [Link]
Wick - №Dren can't read
Harm - does dren believe in our lord and savior jesus christ
Wick - №Dren has two tacos
Harm - give me one
Wick - №No. Tacos are Dren's
Harm - [Image]
Wick - №Dren can not read
Harm - [Image]
Wick - I got something in the mail and you didn't
Luna - Ooooo that's exciting Lock. What did you get? I haven't gotten mail since I've moved away.
Wick - ...A month notice of my attendance???
Luna - Huh??? Attendance for what though? That's really weird.
Wick - Says something about a therapeutic camping program?
Luna - Well that sounds fun. Get you out of the house, away from your troubles. Are you gonna go?
Wick - I guess? Kinda want to spend more time with Kaz though
Luna - I mean it's not like Kaz is going anywhere. Look at it this way, you can go to the camp, have some fun, meet some new people, and then when you come back home, Kaz will probably take you on another movie date.
Wick - I'll ask Kaz about it sometime
Luna - Sounds like a plan Lock. Hope you have a good evening.
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