September 24 - September 26

September 24, 2022 / Questions

Wick - Police where looking for me and found me after stepping a foot in Greywood. So I'm home now...I got a couple questions about what happened

Cole - go ahead

Wick - Why did you call me your kid?

Cole - I uhm are you sure you wanna know that?

Wick - Yeah.

Cole - god this is gonna be a long story. so there was a timeline before yours where you were my kid, I adopted you, and then your timeline was erased and then your timeline was erased, and then i lost you because you were in that timeline and i beat myself up over it every night and i called you my kid out of reflex

Wick - You're insane, got it. Next question, you can eat souls??? Also follow up question since when are souls see-able or edible?!?

Cole - it's the fucking truth i promise, yes I can eat souls and they have always been see-able and edible

Wick - You're still insane. Second to last question. What was that thing? The thing on the wall with the teeth and stuff?

Cole - That uhm I don't know, luna and spider call it the sky and I promise I have evidence

Wick - And lastly...what was the dont think about thing? I mean you weren't even scared of the wall guy but the traffic light turned you into a scared kitten.

Cole - it was that things boss it could have killed me

Wick - Well their boss needs to work on using their words

Cole - it can't speak, it has no mouth

Wick - So much for a boss. Why don't you eat it's soul like you did that other guy?

Cole - because I can't hurt it, it's impossible

Wick - Have you tried?

Cole - Yes

Wick - Doubt

Cole - What do you mean by doubt? Do you think I never tried?

Wick - What did it do?

Cole - It almost speared me in half

Wick - Oh. Did you try dodging?

Cole - Well duh and it missed so that's one less traumatic death

September 26, 2022 / Usha’s Cafe

Harm - Did the sky flash colors for you guys?

Cole - I'm shleep so fuck if I know

Luna - Nope. Still red. I miss blue skies.

Harm - Gotcha ty

Luna - Did... the sky flash colors for you? 

Wick - It only does that when i sneak a fanter

Luna - um. What. That sounds a lot more concerning than what Harmonia's experiencing./j

Cole - How much Fanter is in your house?


Cole - owwwww. I can give you some latterrr. I just took my meds

Wick - I've been waiting WEEKS

Luna - ????

Cole - Oh my god fucking fine. Give me like 2 fuckin seconds. Christ

Wick - :)

Cole - Don't smile like that please

Luna - At least it's not one of those really spaced out smiles. One of those fucking : ) ones. I hate those

Wick - I can type that

Luna - Fuck you sky

Wick - : )

Luna - Dammit. Hang on, I need to do something real quick.

Wick - : )

Ocie - Why the long face?

Wick - Thats wide not long. Why the thick face?

Luna - "thicc face"

Ocie - Like a rhino

Cole appears in the lighthouse with Fanter in his arms as he walks up the stairs and looks out across the horizon as he sniffs. He smells the trace of a soul that's been in the lighthouse and distant smells of souls South at the manor and past the manor. Cole notes it and vaults the railing as he runs to Lock's house. He reaches Lock’s house just as the mailman was driving away from their mailbox. Cole opens the mail box and peers inside, checking to see if he can put the bottle in the mailbox. Unfortunately there's just enough mail it that it wouldn't fit. Cole groans and walks up to the front door and knocks on it.

Cole - Knock knock

Blair, a taller red panda with soft fur, opens the door.

Wick - Blair got to the door first :(

She wears a white and blue cloth mask over half her face and neck "Yes?"

"i have...." Cole notes the mask "I have a present for Lock."

Her eyes narrow, "And how do you know my daughter?"

"I'm a friend that she met a little while ago" Cole doesn't hesitate to answer

She raises an eye brow "A friend? You wouldn't happen to be the one that got some blood on the floor are you?" Something feels very uneasy about her.

"No, no I wouldn't break and enter that's against the law" Cole shakes his head

"Hm. Well I'll take the gift and give it to her."

Cole holds it out to Blair. She takes it with one hand, for a brief moment Cole could see large bird like talons for claws "Run along then, I have cleaning to do"

Cole waves and walks away "alright, wouldn't want to waste your time"

She closes the door. Cole walks to the manor then walks South as he keeps sniffing. He walks straight into downtown Greywood where they first started searching houses. Cole shrugs as he remembers something and starts walking to Usha's cafe.

Cole - Well I got some intel. blue and white mask with bird like talons for claws

Luna - Yup. That's definitely Blair. Did... the sky flash colors for you? 

Harm - yeah

Ocie - Birdlike talons? What's her hybrid I'm curious actually

Cole - I don't fuckin know man

Luna - It was said that hybrids like that are extremely rare. 

Wick - She doesnt really like her hybrid so I dont even know

Luna - Very peculiar. I'm surprised you don't know your own mother's hybrid though. Like if I'm understanding how hybrids work, she would be some kind of red panda and a bird.

Wick - Stuff

Luna - Right. Ummm, sorry Lock. um, so what is she doing with Cole?

Cole - idk man I walked away I'm not in the mood for hitting a woman

Luna - Mood.

Cole - anyways i'm getting a coffee from a cafe

Cole sees the cafe is now fairly busy with a few people sitting inside drinking coffee and a few on their laptops. There's a river otter nonferal working behind the counter with well kept slick fur. Cole walks inside as he puts his paws in his jacket pockets

"Welcome, what can I get for you?" Usha speaks up with a smile as he sets down a box.

"do you have any espresso?"

"A single shot is $1.75"

"and a double shot?" Cole looks in his jacket as he smiles.

"Extra shots are 50 cents each"

Cole pulls out a crisp American five dollar bill with a human face on it "Do you accept cash?"

"We do" Usha nods with a smile and takes the five dollar bill. He puts it in the cash register "And how many would you like?"

"just one double shot espresso"

"Alright, and here's your change" Usha gets the change and hands it to Cole. Cole takes it and puts it in his pocket. Usha turns to an expresso machine and prepares the drink. Cole looks around as he waits, checking for any familiar faces or anyone that stands out. He notices the old gray cat from one of the house searches is sipping a coffee while on a laptop. Usha finishes making the drink and sets it on the counter in front of Cole "Here you go"

Cole takes it with a smile "thank you" Cole takes a sip. It’s blended perfectly with a sweet and acidic taste that lingers. "good coffee" Cole nods at Usha as he drinks the rest of it in one gulp.

Usha nods back with a smile. After a bit Cole feels like he could develop a bit of an addiction to it. Cole puts a 5 dollar bill on the table as he throws the cup away and walks out. As he walks out the town just seems more happy than before. 

Cole looks confused "what the hell was in that coffee?" Cole decides to walk to the manor. As he's walking he feels generally happier. The world around him feels slightly slower to him. He reaches the manor and knocks on the front door.

One of the silver fox nonferal family members opens the door "Hello"

"is everything else slow for you too?" Cole looks confused but has a smile nonetheless.

To the nonferal Cole is speaking rather quickly "Uhhh no? Are you ok?"

"i'm fine, i'm fine, I just wanted to ask that okay bye" Cole starts walking away

They look confused as they close the door. Cole begins to hear steps behind him. Cole keeps walking as he glances over his shoulder to see Usha walking behind him.

Cole spins around as he walks backwards "Why are you following me?"

Usha smiles as hes still following "Wake up with our new latte blend" 

"...I am awake though, are you real?" Cole stops walking.

Usha stops as well "You're passed out on the floor"

"no i'm not, what are you talking about?" Cole starts walking towards Usha.

Usha starts walking backwards "You drank it and collapsed in front of me. I'm trying to wake you up right now"

"no your not, I just talked to someone at the manor" Cole starts jogging towards Usha

Usha looks to be walking backwards at the same pace yet he's sliding away at the same speed Cole is approaching like a bugged video game. "I'm going to dunk you in ice water"

"What? I'm fuckin awake you don't need to do that?" Cole starts running towards Usha

Usha even phases through trees as he gives eye contact "You know where you are?"

"I'm in Greywood?" Cole starts sprinting.

Ushas smile drops "I don't" Cole suddenly wakes up on the floor of the cafe with ice water being dunked on him by Usha. The slow and happy feeling is gone.

Cole takes a deep breath "What the fuck"

"Are you ok man?" Usha sounds concerned. Some of the people in the cafe are watching as well. 

"...debatable" Cole stands up "uhm i'm just gonna go" Cole turns to leave.

They all watch him with a bit of concern as he leaves.

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