Two Duffle Bags

August 17, 2022

Cole appears in the lighthouse and looks over to see the new metal door

"Hmm" Cole notes it and walks up the staircase and looks out across the horizon. Its night and a bit foggy making hard to much

"hmm, fog" Cole vaults the railing and makes his way to lock's house

He's able to make it to the house as the porch light is still on. the other lights on the house are off. He climbs up the siding of the house. He then opens the window and carefully steps in as he looks for something to wedge the window with. He doesnt seem find anything of use. Cole sighs quietly as he makes his way over to the room next to Lock's room. Its unlocked and seems to lock from the inside. Cole cracks the door open and peeks inside. Kaz is sitting on a king sized bed with his face lit up by a small mp3 player. Theres curtains over a window with a dresser infront of it and a small closet.

Kaz speaks in a hushed tone "Cole?"

Cole nods as he speaks in a hushed tone "i need to talk to you about something"

"You know Blair is home right?"

"well aware, hence why i'm being quiet"

"What is it?"

"it's about your relationship with lock, are you happy in this relationship? at all?"

"...well yeah?"

"do you feel like your relationship is draining you at all?"

"I mean she can be energetic but I think it's worth it"

"how does this relationship make you feel?"

"Just the relationship?"

"no, just lock in general"


"and the relationship?"

"Well what part of the relationship? That's a broad category"

"the compromising part"

"If by compromising you mean room and board, yeah its great"

"no i mean what your giving lock and what lock is giving back to you"

"Yeah im giving lock a way out, and I'm getting a place to stay"

“Odd question but where did you grow up? sorry if it's a little rude but i'm curious"

"I'm from Arlington"

Cole glances down for a second "right, again sorry for asking"

Cole can see what looks like 2 duffle bags shoved under the bed

"It's ok"

Cole seems to be thinking about something as he quietly clears his throat "back to the uhm questions, do you feel like you're putting in more effort into the relationship then lock?"

"Without a doubt"

"and how does that make you feel?"

"Are you a therapist?"

" i actually hate them, i'm sorry if i have been coming across that way"

"You're ok"

"you mind if i look in those duffel bags? again i'm sorry if i'm sticking my nose where i shouldn't but again curiosity"

"Its just my clothes."

"why wouldn't you hang them up in the closet?"

"Using hangers is a hassle"

"not really?"

Kaz shrugs

Cole continues "whatever i mean if it's just clothes then you wouldn't care if i looked in them, right?"

"Get out of my room." Kaz says a bit more stern

Cole's eyes flash white as kaz feels warm for a second as he quickly and quietly shuts the door

"What was that???" Kaz shuffles, getting out of the bed

Cole is weighing his options as he stands on the other side of the door. Kaz goes to open the door. Cole steps out of the way of the door in a way so he could sneak in as he turns transparent. Kaz opens the door as he glances around, he holds a pocket knife. Cole slips into the room behind kaz as he swaps to his human form and phases his hand through the bag and grabs a pill bottle and reads the label, "Loonism treatment perscription for Kasa Maigasa Baker"

Cole quietly mutters "kasa?" Cole puts the bottle away and his hand phases through the bag as he fishes around for the other bottle

Kaz steps back in the room "Cole?"

Cole stays silent as he pulls the other bottle out. Kas looks over at the bag to see the floating pill bottle Cole pulled out. Cole reads the label, not caring at this point, and finds over the counter allergy medicine. Kaz then tries to stab at Coles hand with the pocket knife. Cole jerks his hand out of the way as he phases his hand back through the bag and puts the bottles back. Kaz slashes blindly in Coles direction. Cole is cut on the arm as a mixture of blood and coolant starts to drip out as Cole quickly covers it with his other hand as he steps around kaz and attempts to leave. Kaz steps back after the hit and looks down at the coolant with a confused expression. Cole watches kaz from the doorway as he keeps pressure on his wound, keeping himself from bleeding. Kas starts swiping the knife in the air where Cole used to be.

Cole sighs and says in a slightly pained and hushed tone "i'm not over there anymore, and yes i'm not exactly who you thought i was just put the knife down"

"What was that flash?" He keeps the knife out as he looks around

Cole sighs quietly "i'm...a cyborg and that may or may not have been me taking a xray of your bags, it's a lot to unpack i know"

Kaz aims a stab in his direction

Cole is stabbed in the chest as he grabs kaz's wrist as he speaks in a angry and hushed tone "keep fucking stabbing me and i will knock your lights out"

He gives a quiet growl before trying to yank his knife and hand away

"if you pull that out you will have to deal with my unconscious body" Cole keeps holding kaz's hand

Kaz glares a moment before screaming "BLAIRRRRR"

"you're gonna look insane, you know that?"

They hear the light cut on from down stairs and quick steps running up the stairs. Cole stays silent and keeps pressure on his other wound to keep himself from bleeding. The door is flung open. A taller red panda wearing a white and blue cloth mask stands in the doorway with a glare. Cole shakes slightly, he knows if he pulls away from the knife he will leave a trail and reveal he doesn't live in this world but if he stays he might lose his good standing with lock, he stays where he is.

She flicks on the light "What was the yelling for?" she has a scratchy voice as Lock’s door opens

"There's a guy here" Kaz points with his other hand

Cole stays silent and unmoving

"Did you take your medicine?" She folds her arms and has what looks like sharp claws.

"It's not an episode"

"Oh yeah? Prove it?" Blair watches.

Kaz grumbles as he tries to twist the blade. Cole bites his tongue as he tenses up as Kaz then tries to yank the knife away.Cole quickly presses his hand against his wound and applies pressure to stop the bleeding as he bites his tongue harder

"You really need to see a doctor about that dosage." Blair walks over and snatches the pocket knife from kaz and sees a mixture of blood and coolant on the blade. Blair slowly raises an eyebrow. She seems less confused and almost excited in a concerning way. Cole keeps pressure on his wounds as he starts to slink his way over to the window as he aims to tumble out of it. The two continue talking as he can Lock listening in from her bedroom door with a slightly concerned look. Cole disappears, leaving a red poppy behind.

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